Drag and Disease Management-1 available questions for Comilla University: [CoU-2021]
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[CoU-2021] Drag and Disease Management-1
What is meant by creatinine clearance? Point out its significance.
How will you identify drugs having active metabolites that are renatly eliminated?
How can hepatic disease affect the disposition and pharmacokinetics of drugs? Give recommendations for choosing drugs for the patients with hepatic disease
What is therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM)? Briefly discuss the indications of TDM specimen collection for TDM study
Enumerate the guidelines that should be followed during What drugs are not suitable for TDM and why is so?
Define adverse drug reactions (ADRs). Mention several risk factors for developing ADRs.
Discuss the withdrawal responses of the following drugs-
i) Benzodiazepines
ii) Corticosteroide
Give the examples of important ADRs affecting the alimentary systems.
Give the mechanism, factors and clinical features of Hepatic ADRs.
Mention some important ADRs affecting the kidney.
Define drug interaction. Mention different examples of pharmacodynamics interactions.
Define asthma. Give the clinical features of asthma.
Give the different approaches for the management of acute asthma.
Write the clinical features, signs and treatment of acute severe asthma.
Define the COPD. Write the several factors for the development of COPD.
Mention the role of bronchodilators in COPD.
Define the terms-Fear, Anxiety and Phobia.
Mention the clinical signs and symptoms of panic attacks and agoraphobia.
Write the pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions of anxiety.
Define schizophrenia with its positive and negative symptoms. How can you treat the first episode of schizophrenia?
Give the common adverse effects with atypical antipsychotics.
What are extrapyramidal effects? Give examples.