Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Immunology available questions: [RU-2022]
Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Immunology-1 available questions: [BSMRSTU-2022]
[If you have any semester final exam questions for this course, please send them to this WhatsApp number: 01325972889. I will upload them to the database.]
Why microbiology is included in Pharmacy? Discuss with examples the application of microbes in the development and production of drugs.
What do you mean by immunization? How Louis Pasteur discovered the principle of immunization?
Explain the terms: resolving power limit of resolution, numerical aperture.
Mention the different characteristics of bacteria. Discuss the structures that are external to the cell wall.
Write the location, structure, composition and function of cytoplasmic membrane. How does cytoplasmic membrane differ from outer membrane?
Show the structure of a spore. Discuss the mechanisms underlying the heat resistance of bacteria by spore.
Give the composition of nutrient agar medium and explain the characteristics and nutritional value of each ingrediem. How would you prepare the nutrient agar medium for growth of bacteria?
What do you understand by a typical growth curve of bacteria? Discuss the factors that determine the different phases of the curve.
Why selection of bacteria is required? Write an overview of the different methods for selection of bacteria.
Describe the turbidimetric method for quantification of bacteria with its advantages and disadvantages.
How do the characteristics of colony assist in the identification of a bacterial strain?
Discuss the morphological features of ebola virus, pox virus and SARS COV 2 virus.
Mention four viruses with the diseases they cause. In what ways host defend viral infection?
Describe the different steps of replication of viruses.
How would you compare the sexual and asexual reproduction process of fungi?
Name three pathogenic fungi. Why is Candida auris a major global health concern? What types of infections can C. auris cause?
Define actinomycetes. Where are they found? Why they are important in pharmaceutical industry?
What do you mean hy immune system? How is immune system generated in the body?
Give the classification of lymphocytes and discuss the functions of each lymphocyte.
What are immunological competent cells (ICC)? Discuss the functions of the different types of ICC's.
What are the effectors of humoral immunity? Give some examples with functions.
What is interferon? Discuss the different types of interferon.
What is clonal selection theory? What are the postulates of clonal selection?
Discuss the different phases of adaptive immune responses.
What is antigen? Write the sources, chemistry and functions of antigen.
[BSMRSTU-2022] Pharmaceutical Microbiology & Immunology-1
Compare spontaneous generation and biogenesis.
Explain the importance of Koch's postulates.
Hint out the contribution of three renowned scientists in the field of microbiology.
List some beneficial activities of microorganisms
Define Culture Media. Classify different types of culture media according to physical state.
Discuss the methods of isolating pure cultures from a mixed culture.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the various methods for preservation of pure cultures?
What is selective media? Classify bacteria on the basis of their gaseous requirement.
Define budding. Deduce the equation to calculate the number of generation time.
Illustrate the different phases of a typical growth curve of bacteria.
What are the uses of chemical sterilization?
Differentiate between sterilization and depyrogenation.
Write down the methods of dry heat sterilization.
Mention the features of interferon. Write down the mechanism of action of interferon.
Differentiate between virus and bacteria. State the chemical compositions of viruses.
What are the modes of transmission of HIV? What is the immunological basis of increased susceptibility of AIDS patient to opportunistic infection?
"Ketoconazole has selective action on fungi"- explain.
Classify asexual spores of fungi. Describe the most common methods of sexual reproduction of fungi.
Narrate the diseases caused by fungal toxins. Mention the salient features of Candida and Aspergillus.
Write down the significance of fungi.
Enlist the pharmaceutical importance of 'Penicillium' and 'Aspergillus.
Explain the pathogenesis of actinomycosis.
Classify protozoa based on their mode of movement.