Pharmacognosy-1 available questions: [RU-2022, RU-2020, RU-2019, RU-2018,CoU-2021, CoU-2020, BSMRSTU-2021]
Pharmacognosy-2 available questions: [CoU-2020, CoU-2018, BSMRSTU-2021, BSMRSTU-2018]
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[RU-2022] Pharmacognosy-1
Give the pharmacological classification of crude drugs.
Define the following terms with an example of each: i) official ii) unofficial iii) non-official and iv) INN drugs
What is meant by origins of drugs? Differentiate between indigenous and naturalized plants with examples.
Illustrate the basic principal involve in soxhlet extraction.
What are carbohydrates? Give its classification with one example of each.
Name three cellulose derivatives. Mention the preparation and uses of carboxy methyl cellulose.
Give the general tests for the identification of reducing sugars. How can you obtain ferrous gluconate from glucose?
Discuss the commercial preparation of dextrose and its pharmaceutical uses.
Write the commercial preparation sucrose from sugarcane.
Write the structure of i) alginic acid ii) agarose iii) glucoronic acid and iv) glucose.
What are the chemical constituents of castor oil and olive oils?
Mention the chemical constituents and health benefit of coconut oil.
Define acid value. Give the method of preparation of castor oil.
Discuss the method of production, chemical constituents and uses of beeswax. What is the limitation of using white beeswax?
What is chaulmoogra oil? Mention the source, chemical constituents and uses of chaulmoogra oil.
Write the preparation of cod liver oil from cod fish. Give the chemical test for the identification of vitamin A in a sample of cod liver oil.
Mention the structure and uses of following compounds: i) akopine ii) coniine and iii) arecoline.
Write down the ring structure and example of the following groups of alkaloid: i) quinoline ii) tropane iii) quinolizidine iv) pyridine.
Describe the botanical source, chemical constituents and uses of ephedra.
Write down the properties of tannins.
Define tannins, condensed tannins and pseudotannins.
Resins are complex mixtures of various compounds'- explain.
Give the botanical source and uses of i) ginger and ii) capsicum.
How would you extract alkaloids from plant?
Define the following terms with an example: i) alkaloid ii) pseudoalkaloid iii) protoalkaloid and iv) Murexide test
[RU-2020] Pharmacognosy-I
Define the following terms-
(i) pharmacognosy, (ii) phytochemistry, (iii) organized drugs and (iv) unorganized drugs.
How are crude drugs adulterated by faulty collection and incorrect preparation?
What are the basic differences between thin layer and column chromatography?
Differentiate between true alkaloids and pseudo alkaloids. Mention one example of each.
Write down the characteristics of alkaloids.
Write down a general method of extraction of alkaloids.
Write down the ring structure of the following groups and give one example of alkaloids of each group- (i) quinolone, (ii) tropane, (iii) indole and (iv) pyridine.
Give the botanical source, chemical constituents and uses of ephedra.
Enlist two plant drugs containing tannins and give their botanical source and therapeutic uses.
Differentiate between tannins and pseudo tannins. What are condensed tannins?
Give the botanical source, chemical constituents and therapeutic uses of black catechu.
Classify resins on the basis of their occurrence in combination with other compounds.
Give botanical source, chemical constituents and uses of podophyllum.
Write the source and chemical constituents of (a) ginger and (b) jalap.
Write down the functions and importance of lipid. Draw the chemical structure of cholesterol.
What are the benefits of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids? Give the classification of lipid.
What are lipoproteins? Classify lipoproteins. What are the advantage and disadvantages of lipid?
Write down the effects of various types of fat on blood lipid levels.
Write down the chemical constituents and uses of olive oil.
Why the pure compound sometimes cannot be isolated? What are the professional activities of a pharmacognosist?
Differentiate between starch and cellulose. Why do human cannot digest cellulose?
Give the structure of (i) blood sugar, (ii) fruit sugar, (iii) table sugar and (iv) milk suger
How would you prepare dextrin from starch? Give the natural source and uses of dextrin.
Describe the biological source, chemical constituents and uses of acacia.
Why maltose is a reducing sugar but not sucrose?
Write down some important chemical tests for carbohydrates.
[RU-2019] Pharmacognosy-I
Write down the scopes of pharmacognosy. What are the differences between drugs and medicines?
Write down the reasons behind the unintentional adulteration of crude drugs.
Shortly describe about the chemical and physical evaluation of crude drugs.
What do you mean by extraction? What the factors affecting the choice of a solvent?
Why soxhlet is called hot continuos extraction process? Describe the sonicatio extraction method.
Why and when do you need drying and freeze drying for plant materials?
Discuss the basic principle and uses of thin layer chromatography.
Describe the botanical source, chemical constituents and uses of chaulmoogra oil.
Write down the chemical constituents and uses of dextrin and cellulose.
Differentiate between furanose and pyranose. Give the structure of table sugar and milk sugar.
How would you prepare dextrose from starch? Give the natural source and uses of starch.
Describe the biological source, chemical constituents and uses of tragacanth.
Why is maltose a reducing sugar but not sucrose?
Differentiate between true alkaloids and pseudoalkaloids. Write down the murexide test for detection of caffeine in plants.
Describe the biosynthesis of atropine.
Write down the ring structures of the following groups and give one example of alkaloids of each group- (i) pyridine-piperidine (ii) tropane (iii) indole (iv) imidazole.
Give the botanical source, chemical constituents and uses of colchicum.
Write down the botanical name, chemical constituents and uses of conium.
In which purpose rauwolfia alkaloids can be used? Write down their structures.
What are the botanical sources and uses of catechu and nutgall?
Describe Goldbeater's skin test, Phenazone test, Matchstick test and Vanillin-hydrochloric acid test for the detection of tannins in plants.
Explain- (1) Resin acids (ii) Resin alcohols and (iii) Resenes.
Give the botanical source, chemical constituents and uses of tolu balsam.
Write down the botanical source, chemical constituents and uses of myrrh.
Give the chemical structure of (i) cannabidiol (ii) cannabinol. Write down the therapeutic uses of cannabis.
[RU-2018] Pharmacognosy-1
Define Pharmacognosy. Differentiate between organized and unorganized drugs.
Explain the method of preparation of crude drugs for the commercial market.
Give the chemical classification of crude drugs.
Define deliberate adulteration. How is deliberate adulteration done? Explain with examples.
How can you classify fatty acids? Discuss the common properties of fats and oils.
Explain different commercial grades of olive oil. Write down the uses of olive oil.
Give the method of collection and chemical constituents of castor oil.
Define-i) Drying oil ii) Non-drying oil, iii) Semidrying oil and iv) Virgin oil
Classify carbohydrates on the basis of carbonyl group. Mention the botanical source and uses of sucrose.
Give the example with structure of table sugar, milk sugar, maly sugar, and grape sugar.
How can you obtain ferrous gluconate from glucose? What are the constituents and uses of liquid glucose?
Mention the properties of starch and fructose. How can you distinguish pentoses from hexoses?
What is sodium alginate? Discuss the method of preparation of sodium alginate from sea weeds.
What is arabin? Give the sources, chemical constituents and uses of acacia.
Define the terms with examples: i) true alkaloids ii) protoalkaloids and iii) pseudoalkaloids. Alkalaida Alkoloid
Write down the structure of the following compounds:
i) atropine ii) ephedrine iii) arecoline and iv) guvacine.
Give the chemical constituents and uses of: i) conium, ii) colchicum. Alkoloid
How would you detect alkaloids in plants?
Discuss the properties of tannins.
Give the source, composition and uses of nutgall.
Define tannins and condensed tannins. How do pseudotannins differ from tannins?
Define the terms with examples i) Balsams ii) Oleoresins iii) Gum resins and iv) Glycoresins.
Write the source and chemical constituents of i) Ginger and ii) Jalap.
Describe the source, chemical constituents and uses of Peru Balsam.
Give the botanical source, chemical constituents and uses of capsicum.
[CoU-2021] Pharmacognosy-1
What is Pharmacognosy? Describe the scope and historical development of it.
illustrate on the morphological parts of plants.
Describe the structure and function of mitochondria.
What is crud drug? State its classification.
What do you mean by drug adulteration? How drug adulteration occurs?
Illustrate the evaluation process of crude drugs.
What is extraction? Narrate different types of extraction methods.
What is chromatography? Narrate the types of chromatography based on mechanism of separation.
What do you mean by comparative phytochemistry? Discuss on it.
What is lipid? Write down the classification of lipid.
Write a note on castor oil.
Write down the chemical constituents and uses of cod liver oil and shark liver oil.
Define carbohydrate and discuss on the types of it.
Write on source, collection and application of sucrose.
Give the chemical constituents of tragacanth and acacia.
What is indigenous medicines? Give the importance of it.
Write down the source and chemical constituents of punarnava and vashaka.
Give the application of amla and bohera.
Write a note on haritoki.
Give the chemical structure of (i) beta amyrin (ii) gallic acid (iii) manitol (iv) chebulic acid.
Mention the chemical composition of tulsi and uses of neem.
What is surgical dressing? Describe on various types of surgical dressing.
Write on standard dressing.
Give the biological source and chemical constituents of cotton.
[CoU-2020] Pharmacognosy-1
What do you mean by pharmacognosy? Illustrate its importance in pharmacy.
What is crude drug? State its classification.
Write on: (i) Pharmacopoeia (ii) Pharmaceutical codex
What is extraction? Narrate various methods of extraction.
Give the principle, procedure and uses of column chromatography.
Define: (i) HPLC (ii) TLC.
What do you mean by traditional drugs? Illustrate the significance of it in the modern pharmacy.
Give the source and chemical constituents of Arjuna.
Write the uses of (i) Vashaka (ii) Neem
What is carbohydrate? Classify it on the basis of reducing properties.
State the distribution and pharmaceutical uses of starch and cellulose.
Give the source, collection and pharmaceutical uses of sucrose.
State the properties of lipid.
Give the source and chemical constituents of (1) castor oil (i) Inseed oil
Write on collection and uses of (i) olive oil (ii) peanut oil.
What is lipid? What are the differences between fixed oil and volatile oil?
State the properties of lipid.
Describe the collection and separation of Cod Liver oil.
Write the chemistry and uses of wax.
What is surgical dressing? Classify surgical dressing and describe them.
What are suture and ligatures? Give a narrative description of absorbable, synthetic and non-absorbable sutures.
How will you test vegetable fibers?
Write on any three from the followings:
(i) Garlic
(ii) Haritaki
(iii) Shark Liver oil
(iv) Dextrose
(v) Chemotaxonomy
[CoU-2021] Pharmacognosy-2
Describe the biological source, chemical constituents and uses of digitalis.
What do you mean by glycosides? Classify glycosides based on the chemical nature of aglycone.
Give a pharmacognostic account of senna.
What are saponin glycosides? Give official source and chemical constituents of aloe
Describe the biosynthesis of saponin glycosides.
Write official sources, chemical constituents and uses of the rhubarb.
Write basic ring structure of Isoquinoline, Quinoline, Purine and Indole.
Give the pathway of tryptophan biosynthesis.
Mention the chemical constituents of cinchona and pilocarpine.
Write biological source, chemical constituents, chemical tests and uses on the following alkaloid containing drugs (any two)
Define resins. Write the biosynthesis of resin components.
Give the sources, chemical constituents and uses of following resins containing drugs:
i)Tolu balsam
What are essential oils? How are they isolated from plant?
Give the chemistry of volatile oils.
Write official source, chemical constituents and uses of Coriander.
Write chemical constituents and uses of the following crude drugs (any two)
I. Podophyllum
II. Fennel
III Cannabis
Describe sources, macroscopic characters, chemical constituents, chemical test and uses of Clove.
Define natural pesticides:
What are contact poisons? Describe natural contact insecticides for pest control.
Write down the official source, chemical constituents and uses of Pyrethrum flower and Datura.
[CoU-2020] Pharmacognosy-2
Write down various extraction process of volatile oil.
Describe the SAR (structure activity relationship) of central acting analgesics.
Write down the botanical source and structure of the following:
(i) Pilocarpine (ii) Cephaline.
Write down the physicochemical properties of glycosides.
Classify glycosides with example based on their therapeutic class.
Write down the botanical name, constituents and use of Foxglove.
Write down the sources, chemical constituents and uses of Glycyrrhiza.
Write down the sources, chemical constituents and uses of saffron.
Show the biosynthesis of hyoscyamine.
Define volatile oil? Why volatile oil is also called essential oil?
What are the different forms of alkaloids?
Classify alkaloids. What are the functions of alkaloids in plants?
Write down the sources, chemical constituents and uses of Gingseng.
Define Poison. Describe different phytotoxins.
Describe concrete, pomade, resinoids and spice.
Write down the toxic symptoms and toxicity treatment of Stramonium.
Show the biosynthetic pathway of aliphatic terpenes,
Describe source, constituents and uses of Tolu and Peru Balsams.
Write down the structures of the following:
(i) Vanillin (ii) Morphine (iii) Cocaine (iv) Quinine.
Give the sources and constituents of Camphor, Cinnamon oil, Peppermint and Rosemary oil.
Describe the sources, uses and constituents of Ipecac.
Describe chemical properties of alkaloids.
Give the preparative process and chemical constituents of Turpentine oil.
Write down the source, constituents and uses of Coriander oil.
[CoU-2018] Pharmacognosy-2
List the characteristics and functions of alkaloids.
How can you synthesize tropane alkaloids?
Mention the biological source, geographical source, constituents & uses of Vinca
Depict the process of extraction of alkaloids.
How can you detect purine alkaloids?
Briefly describe the chemistry of alkaloids.
Chemical classification of glycosides doesn't depend on hydrolysis-why?
Classify glycosides with example on the basis of chemistry of aglycone.
List the sources of cardiac glycosides.
Differentiate between Digitalis and Digitalis lanata.
Mention the source, constituents and uses of strophanthus.
List the properties of resins. Mention their uses.
Briefly describe the chemical constituents of resins. Summarize the phytochemical aspects of five resin containing plants.
Differentiate between fixed oils and volatile oils.
Schematically show the biosynthesis of terpenes via mevalonate pathway.
Name the method for isolation of volatile oils. Describe any one of them.
Define herbs. List the uses of garlic, onion and alfa alfa.
What is gingko and ginseng? Mention their traditional uses and side effects if any.
Mention the nutritional value and uses of honey
Write the Bontrager's test for anthraquinone glycosides.
Describe the biosynthesis of cyanophore glycosides.
Write official sources, chemical constituents and uses of the following glycosides-
(i) Aloe
(ii) Senna
Define resins. Write a short note on oleoresins.
How can you get pharmaceutic resins? Discuss the biosynthesis of resin components.
What are the chemical components of following resin producing plants?
i. Cannabis ii. Capsicum iii. Ginger iv. Tolu Balsam
[BSMRSTU-2021] Pharmacognosy-1
Define the terms: i) Formulary ii) INN iii) International Pharmacopoeia iv) Monograph
What are the steps involved in the preparation of crude drugs for the commercial market?
What do you mean by drying? Why is artificial drying preferred over natural drying?
What is drug adulteration? State the factors responsible for drug adulteration.
Write a short note on deliberate adulteration.
How can you determine the moisture content of a drug?
Differentiate between drug and medicine?
Discuss the classification of crude drugs with suitable examples.
Describe various methods used for evaluation of crude drugs.
What do you understand by volatile oil? Write down the properties of volatile oil.
Briefly describe the source, chemical constituents, and uses of i) Bees Wax and ii) Chaulmoogra Oil.
What are the uses of olive oil?
What do you understand by vitamins? Classify vitamins with suitable example.
Briefly describe the significance of vitamin D and vitamin C.
Write down the source, constituents and uses of Hilsha fish oil.
What do you understand by carbohydrate?
Briefly describe the biosynthetic pathway of sucrose in plant.
Write a short note on amylose and amylopectin.
Differentiate between reducing and non-reducing sugar.
Write a short note on Liquid Glucose.
Write down the source chemical constituents and uses of i) Accacia and ii) Agar
[BSMRSTU-2021] Pharmacognosy-2
What are cardio active glycosides? Why are they named so?
Illustrate the chemical composition of glycosides. Classify glycosides based on the linkage of sugar to the aglycone part.
Enlist the chemical constituents of aloe and capsicum.
Note down the properties of alkaloid.
How could you detect the presence of alkaloid from a crude extract?
Illustrate the terms heterocyclic and non-heterocyclic alkaloids.
How volatile oil can be extracted using water and steam distillation method?
Enlist the chemical constituents and pharmaceutical uses of cinnamon bark.
Narrate the pharmaceutical importance of volatile oil.
Define poisonous plants? What are the roles of pesticide in economy?
Write down the botanical source, poisonous constituents and uses of (any two):
i) Datura
ii) Water Hemloc
iii) Neem
What is natural pesticide? Why pest control is necessary in our daily life?
Define and classify resin with examples.
State the general properties of resin along with its pharmaceutical importance.
Write down the source, chemical constituents and uses of tolu balsam and jalap
Describe the importance of tannin in pharmaceutical application.
Enlist the tests used to identify tannin. Explain any one.
"Nutgall is a rich source of chemical constituents"-clarify the statement.
Discuss the properties of glycoside.
Write a brief note on "Belladonna".
Justify the medicinal uses of Nux vomica.
[BSMRSTU-2018] Pharmacognosy-2
Define glycosides. Why it is important in our life?
Illustrate the chemical composition of geosides. Classify glycosides based on the linkage of sagar to the aglycone part.
Mention the chemical constituents and uses of Rhubarb.
Describe the properties of glycosides.
Write down the chemical constituents and medicinal uses of Aloe and Seena.
Mention the active ingredients and uses of oxglove.
What is alkaloid? How can you extract plant alkaloids?
What are Heger's and Dragendorff's reagens?
Give the identification tests for alkaloids.
Show the biosynthetic pathway of alkaloids in plants.
Give the source, active constituents and use of (i) opium and (ii) colchicom?
Describe the extraction methods of volatile oils from fresh plant parts
Distinguish among volatile oil, fixed oil and fat.
Mention the source, chemical constituent and use of
1. Australian fever tree oil
2. Rectified oil of turpentine
Mention the active ingredients and uses of Nutgalis.
Write down the cultivation and collection procedure of Clove.
Define Tannin. Why is it important in pharmaceutical sector?
What is the difference between poisonous Plants and Drugs?
Defice poisonous plant. Why it is important to identify poisonous plants?
Mention the factors that govern the toxicity of a plant.
Classify resins on the basis of their chemical nature.
Write a short note on ginger