Introduction to Pharmacy Question Database

Introduction to Pharmacy available questions:

[CoU-2023, CoU-2022, CoU-2021, CoU-2020, PUST-2023, PUST-2022, PUST-2018, PUST-2017, DU-2018, DU-2017, DU-2016, CU-2021, NSTU-2023, NSTU-2019, RU-2022, RU-2020, RU-2019, RU-2018, RU-2017, JUST-2022, IU-2022, IU-2021]

[If you have any semester final exam questions for this course, please send them to this WhatsApp number: 01325972889. I will upload them to the database.]


Define a pharmacist? What are the various levels of pharmacist in Bangladesh?

Mention the background of development of pharmacy profession in Bangladesh.

What do you know about the history of Arabic and Egyptian pharmacy.

Compare and contrast between drug and medicine.

Write down name of three books, softwares and journals related to pharmacy education.

Classify drugs on the basis of actions and target organs.

Define professionalism. What are the fundamental characteristics of a profession.

"Pharmacy is a profession not a occupation" - justify the statement.

What is essential drug?

What are the different types of dosage forms?

Define the following terms: a) official drugs b) Non-official drugs c) Unofficial drugs d) INN drugs

Explain the various Dosha/ life force and their chracteristics.

"Ayurvedic practitioners expect patients to be active participants"- explain the statement from underlying concept of ayurvedic treatment.

Define citation. What is its significance?

What is referencing? What are the most widely accepted referencing styles?- give brief description.

What information a monograph contains? Differentiate between pharmacopeia and formulary.

What is meant by model pharmacy?


Define pharmacy and describe its role in healthcare. [CoU-2022]

What are the main responsibilities of a pharmacist? [CoU-2022]

Describe the career opportunities available for pharmacists in Bangladesh's pharmaceutical industry.

Explain the difference between a prescription and an over-the-counter (OTC) medication.

What is the purpose of USP and BP? How do they behalf pharmacists?

List and explain the core subjects taught in a typical pharmacy education curriculum.

Differentiate between drug and medicine.

Define generic and brand name of drugs. Discuss the similarities and differences between them.

What is a dosage form? List two common dosage forms and provide an example of each

Pharmacy is a profession not occupation- justify the statement.

What is a model pharmacy, and what are its primary objectives?

Discuss the ethical considerations that pharmacists must adhere to in their professional practice.

Define essential drugs and name three essential drugs commonly used in the treatment of infectious diseases.

Define any two of the main sectors of a pharmaceutical industry and briefly explain the role of each sector.

Differ between 

1. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 

2. In-vitro and In-vivo study


Write down BDNF, USP-NF, BP and pubmed.

Mention the roles of hospital and community pharmacist.

Write a comparative study between profession and occupation.

Differentiate between drug and medicine

What are the pharmacopoeia and formulary?

What are the basic differences between official and non-official compendia?

Why animals and plants are important sources of drugs? Explain with examples.

Classify the drugs from pharmacopical point of view.

Define model pharmacy. What are the requirements for accredited model pharmacy in Bangladesh?

Enlist the code of ethics of a pharmacist.

What do you mean by proprietary and non- proprietary names of drug? Give examples.

Which skills are required to provide drug information service effectively?

Write about primary and secondary sources of drug information.

Write english meaning of the following latin terms:

(1) ante cibos (II) omnihora (III) pulvis (IV) bis in die

Describe different parts of an ideal prescription.

Mention the steps of dispensing a prescription to the patient by the pharmacist.

Compare the social recognition and status of pharmacy profession between in Bangladesh and other developed countries.


Define pharmacy. Pharmacists are health professionals who focus on the safe and effective use of medications "-Clarify the statement.

Give the specialty of pharmacy education.

Who is 1st pharmacist? How pharmacy evolved through the ancient age?

Define official, non-official, un-official and INN drugs.

Describe the current state of pharmacy education in Bangladesh.

What is ambulatory pharmacy?

Describe pharmacist's code of ethics.

"Pharmacy is a profession not a mere occipation- "Justify the statement.

Write short notes on: (i) Hippocrates (ii) Hygeia.

Write references according to Vancouver style form the information given below:

(i) An article by Cooper, R.G. & Fürst, P. Title of the article: Digital Transformation and its Impact on New-Product Development for Manufacturers. It was Published in Innovation Management. SE, in the year of 2020 on March 11.

(ii) An article in a collection of articles edited by John Lyons. The title of the article is: the study of language acquisition, and it was written by Robin. Campbell and Roger Wales. It was on pages 242 to 260. The book of articles was called: new horizons in linguistics and it was published in 1970 by Penguin in London.

Correct the following references:

(i) Dudley-Evans, A. 1984. "A preliminary investigation of the writing of dissertation titles". In G. James (Ed.). The ESP classroom: Methodology, materials and expectations (pp. 40-46). Exeter: University of Exeter.

(ii) Kachru, Y. 1996.12(1), 41-44. Kachn revisits contrasts. English Today.

What is reference or citation? Explain with example.

What is the difference between 'references and a 'bibliography"?

Describe the future aspect of pharmacy in Bangladesh.

Write short notes on any three from the followings:

(i) BNF and BDNF

(ii) Merck index and e-book

(iii) HINARI

(iv) BPC


Define the terms Pharmacy and Pharmacist. Write a short note on the pharmacist's role in safeguarding public health in Bangladesh.

Describe in brief the regulatory organizations that control the education and practice of pharmacy in Bangladesh.

Differentiate between drugs and medicine. Briefly describe the different sources of drugs.

Define the following terms:

Medicines and Pharmaceuticals

Counterfeit medicine



Classify drugs from pharmacopical point of view. Define each of them.

Which types of drugs act on gastrointestinal systems and cardiovascular systems?

Define dosage form. Write short notes on (i) Tablets (ii) Suppositories and (iii) Creams.

Describe briefly following dosage forms: (i) Suspension (ii) Aerosols (iii) Emulsion and (iv) Collodions.

What do you mean by the term ethics in pharmacy practice?

Explain that Pharmacist's prime concern shall be for the welfare of both patients and public.

Give a brief description of code of ethics for pharmacists in Bangladesh.

Briefly describe the Oath of a Pharmacist proposed by American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy.

Briefly describe the code of ethies proposed by American Pharmaceutical Association.

What do you mean by profession? When an occupation is called a profession.

What are the fundamental characteristics of a profession?

What do you mean by the term "traditional systems medicine"?

Is Pharmacy a Profession? Write down the qualities of a member of pharmacy profession.

Why does the profession of pharmacy demand adherence to a set of ethical principles?

Describe the treatment practices in Ayurvedic Medical System. What are the sources of Ayurvedic medicines?

What are Homeopathic medicines? State the principle of Homeopathic system of medicines.

Compare between Ayurvedic and Unani Medicines.

What are the concerns about Unani and Ayurvedic medicines?

What do you mean by Pharmacopeia? Write a brief note on Pharmacopeia.

Describe your idea about BP, USP, and BPC.

What do you mean by the term "monograph" or drug standard? Taking paracetamol as raw material, what are the informations that may be obtained from the monograph of paracetamol.


Mention the regulatory organizations controlling education and practice of pharmacy in Bangladesh.

Define pharmacists. Write down the different branches of pharmacy where pharmacists have their job opportunities.

Briefly describe the history of Pharmacy education in Bangladesh.

What is Ayurvedic concepts of health? Mention different treatment practices used in Ayurvedic medical system.

What is Unani concept of health? Write down the diagnosis and treatment used in Unani system.

Enumerate the treatment pattern of Homeopathy and sources of Homeopathic medicines.

Shortly describe the different code of ethics for Pharmacists.

Enumerate the code of ethics proposed American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy.

Write short note on-(i) USP (ii) BDNF

Define drugs and medicine. Classify drugs according to pharmacopical point of view. Name the class of drugs acting on nervous system.

Define adverse drug reactions. What do you mean by hepatotoxicity, antagonism, nephrotoxicity and ocular toxicity?

Define GMP. Point out the general guidelines of GMP to be followed in a pharmaceutical industry.

What is API? Mention the general properties of API.

Define the following excipients with suitable examples:

(i) Binders (ii) Diluents (iii) Preservatives, and (iv) Wetting agents.

Define prescription. Enumerate the various parts of a prescription.

What is prescription error? How can we improve prescribing and reduce medication errors?

Why some people prefer herbal medicine?

What do you mean by brand name and generic name? Which one should be used during prescribing and why?

Define the following terms- (i) Dose (ii) Dosage form (iii) Drug (iv) Medicine

Briefly describe about different sources of drugs.

What is pharmacopoeia? Differentiate between pharmacopoeia and monograph.

Briefly describe the role of pharmacist in safeguarding public health.

Which information you can get from a monograph?

Write down the name of some websites from where you can find drug related information.


Define Pharmacists. Discuss the roles and responsibilities of Pharmacists.

What are the prospective of pharmacy profession in Bangladesh?

Give a brief view on pharmacy education in other countries.

What is professionalism? Differentiate between profession and occupation.

Pharmacy is a profession, not more an occupation-justify the above statement.

Narrate briefly the characteristics of an ideal pharmacist.

Discuss the pledge of professionalism of a pharmacy student.

Mention the different treatment practices used in Ayurvedic medical system.

What is 'noni concept of health? Write down the diagnosis and treatment used in Unani system.

Enumerate the principle of Homeopathy. Give the regulation and side effects of Homeopathic treatments.

What do you mean by 'Oath of a Pharmacist'?

Shortly describe the different content of code of ethics for Pharmacists.

Discuss shortly the various regulatory bodies controlling pharmacy education and practice in Bangladesh.

What do you mean by chemical, generic and brand names of drug? Give examples.

Classify the drugs from pharmacopical point of view.

What are essential drugs and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs? Give suitable example.

Define the following terms with suitable example:

Crude drugs

Counterfeit medicine


Point our the general guidelines of GMP to be followed in a pharmaceutical industry.

What are the criteria a medical product must satisfy to claim it to be a quality drug? Explain them.

Write a short note on "The Drugs (Control) Ordinance of 1982'.

What do you mean by official and nonofficial compendia? Give examples.

Write short note on -



Write down shortly the monograph of paracetamol as raw material from British Pharmacopela.

How can a Pharmacist dispense or serve a prescription to the patient?

Define prescription error. How do prescription errors occur?

How can you improve prescribing and reduce medication errors?

[PUST-2017] Define pharmacy. Write down the job opportunities for pharmacists in Bangladesh. What are regulatory organizations controlling education and practice of pharmacy in Bangladesh? What are policies, rules, regulations, laws and acts controlling education and practice of pharmacy? Write down the role of pharmacist in safeguarding public health. Define drug from legal point of view. Write the classification of drugs from pharmacopical point of view. Mention the classification of drugs acting on gastrointestinal systems. What is crude drug? Briefly describe the role and responsibilities of the pharmacist. What are OTC drug and Prodrug? What do you mean by INN? What is Pharmaceutical dosage form? Briefly describe any three types of dosage form. What is a profession? When an occupation is called a profession? Briefly describe the fundamental characteristics of a profession. Describe the section nine of the code of ethics regarding the quality assurance und manufacturing of phanmaceuticals. What do you mean by Medicine and Biopharmaceuticals? Write a brief note on BP and USP. Discuss that "Pharmacist's prime concern shall be for the welfare of both patients and public". Briefly describe the code of ethics proposed by American Pharmaceutical association What information about a drug are written in a Formulary? Elaborate BNF and BDNF. Define Pharmacopeia with examples. What is the significance of writing USP in "Paracetamol USP 500 mg" in labelling of a tablet dosage form? What is Monograph of a drug? What types of information are found from monograph of a drug from British Pharmacopeia?



Draw and describe different international recognized symbols of pharmacy.

What is prescription?

What are prescription errors?

How many parts are there in a prescription?

What is the importance of name, age and address of the patient in prescription?

What is ethics?

Why do we need ethics?

Give a brief description of code of ethics for pharmacists in Bangladesh.

What is the difference between law and ethics (Mention three points)?

What are the differences among crude drug, drug and medicine?

What do you mean by monograph?

Considering paracetamol as a Tablet, what are the informations that may be obtained from the monograph of Paracetamol BP?

What is manuscript?

Define following terms Used in Homeopathy - Remedies, Materia Medica, Repertories and Dilutions.

Describe the sources of Homeopathic medicines.

Describe the side effects and risks of Homeopathic medicines.

Compare the medical mythologies of India, Egypt and Greece showing the similarities and dissimilarities among them.

Define following terms

Adverse drug reaction


Pharmacovigilance and




Describe the oldest pharmaceutical records of various civilizations. What are these records and what do they contain?

Discuss the life and death episode of Galen.

What is the language of prescription writing?

Why is Latin language used in prescription writing?

Classify prescription errors with description of each type.

What is adverse drug reaction?

Define the following terms:


Drug allergy

Teratogenic effect


Hematological toxicity




Define the terms:



Clarify your idea about the future of pharmacy in Bangladesh.

What are the different systems of medicines officially recognized in Bangladesh?

State the origin and development of Unani and Ayurvedic systems of medicines.

What do you mean by complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)?

What are the differences between Unani and Ayurvedic medicines?

What are Homeopathic medicines?

State the principles of Homeopathic system of medicines.


Define the following terms-






What are prescription errors? Classify the prescription errors.

How can prescription errors be reduced?

How does Pharmacy Council prepare and maintain the registers for various categories of pharmacists?

Draw and briefly describe the symbols popularly used in pharmacy and medicine (show separately).

Briefly discuss the various systems of medicines that are prevailing currently in Bangladesh.

Sketch the biography of -

Ibn Sina


Shen Nang.

What do you mean by Pharmacopoeia and Formulary?

Write a short note on United Sates Pharmacopoeia and Bangladesh National Formulary?

Give a short outline on the different type of dosage forms.



Define community Pharmacy. What are the main responsibilities of a community pharmacist?

Describe the role of pharmacist in pharmaceutical Industry.

Mention the scope of pharmacist in government service.

Write a short note on Model Pharmacy.

What is medical sociology Discuss the components of social class and their influence on health.

Write a note on illness and behavior.

What do you mean by Pharmaceutical Dosage form? Give its classification.

Differentiate between flocculated and de flocculated suspension.

Classify pharmaceutical emulsions.

What is prescription? Discuss the different parts of a medical prescription.

Define drug. What do you mean by essential drug?

What do you know about antibiotic resistance? Write the generic name of 5 common antibiotics.

What is Pharmacopeia? How it differs from a formulary?

Explain the following terms:

Reference book




Medline plus

Elucidate different types of pharmaceutical tablet dosage forms.

Write short notes on inhaled dosage forms.

What are the differences between Ointment and cream?

A medication order calls for Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2) 4 mEq.

Calculate the number of milligrams of Calcium Chloride, which will give this amount. (Atomic Mass of Mg2+24.312, Atomic Mass of CI=35.5)

You have 5 ml of Gentamicin Ophthalmic Solution 0.3%. You dilute it with 2 ml of sterile normal saline What is the percent of Gentamicin in the final solution?

Prepare 1N NaOH solution.

How can you prepare 100 ml 66.7%w/v sucrose solution?

Prove that 0.9%w/v NaCl is isotonic with blood. d) Prepare 100ml orange oil water.

[NSTU-2023] Session:2022-23

How would you define the term "pharmacist" in the context of healthcare and medicine? 

How does the collaborative nature of healthcare impact the professional identity of pharmacists?

"Solid-dosage forms constitute almost 90% of all dosage forms used to provide systemic administration of therapeutic agents"- why solid dosage form is so popular over others?

The socioeconomic status has a high correlation with health to what extent do you agree with this statement and why?

Mention the different pathways that shape the social determinants of disease.

The doctor-patient relationship has been and remains a keystone of care-offer recommendations on how to maximize the benefits of this relationship.

What is referencing? How can referencing contribute to the credibility and reliability of your work?

Can you elaborate on the different dimensions of health beyond just the absence of disease?

Write a short note on - i) Suspension and ii) Pharmaceutical Aerosols

Write a short note on the following information sources - i) Journal Reference Work/Book

iii) PubMed


v) EHR

Summarize the specific roles that one pharmacist usually plays in the pharmaceutical industry.

Which government services are available in Bangladesh for a pharmacist?

Discuss the important events from the Industrial Era and Patient Care Era of pharmacy practice.

What do you mean by drug and medicine? Differentiate between them.

How the recombinant DNA technology and synthetic or semi-synthetic sources are making significant contributions in drug resourcing? Describe in details.

Discuss on Formulary in details?

Which information is included in the monographs of drugs?

Write short notes on:

i) British Pharmacopoeia

ii) Bangladesh National Formulary

The WHO has been playing a leading role in several public health achievements. What are the prime objectives of WHO for world health improvement?

Write down the history of the WHO model list of essential drugs.

Enlist the guidelines for establishing a national program for essential drugs.

[NSTU-2023] Session: 2021-22

Why is it important for pharmacists to uphold ethical standards in their practice?

How does pursuing your education in pharmacy align with your long-term career goals?

In what ways pharmacists can contribute to public health initiatives and promote medication safety in the country?

How does medical sociology contribute to our understanding of health disparities and inequalities?

How does illness differ from sickness? Define the social determinants of disease.

How can health service rationing impact patient care and access to resource- constrained healthcare settings?

How can cultural and linguistic differences influence the quality of communication between doctors and patients, and how can these be addressed?

Can you discuss the factors that influence the selection of a specific dosage form for a given drug?

What is referencing? How can referencing contribute to the credibility and reliability of your work?

Define the following terms: i) syrup, ii) effervescent tablets, iii) powder for suspension, iv) emulsion, v) medicated lozenge, vi) academic journal, vii) Pubmed Central, viii) journal aggregator, ix) HINARI, x) EHR.

What do you mean by 'Ethics'? Describe Professionalism in brief from the perspective of Pharmacist.

Discuss the important points from the Empiric Era of pharmacy practice.

The evolution of the profession of pharmacy can be divided into five historical periods. Write some points of gradual development shortly from the periods.

"Pharmacist are the key personnel in several health care sectors and pharmaceuticals"- Justify the statement from your point of view.

What do you know about the community pharmacy practice in healthcare sectors? Assemble the information you gathered.

How are the recombinant DNA technology and synthetic or semi synthetic sources making significant contributions in drug resourcing?

What are the barriers to clinical pharmacy practice in Bangladesh?

Define drug. What are the ideal characteristics of drug?

Write the sources of drugs.


Define pharmacy and pharmacist.

What are the job opportunities for pharmacists in Bangladesh?

Draw a schematic diagram showing interrelationship among the allied health professionals.

Mention the fundamental characteristics of a profession.

Is Pharmacy a profession? Justify your answer.

How can you differentiate between profession and occupation?

Enlist the branches of pharmacy.

Describe the responsibilities of community pharmacists.

Is introducing five-year pharmacy program in Bangladesh rational? Briefly describe your opinion.

What do you mean by the term "pharmacy information resources"?

Classify the "pharmacy information resources" with examples.

Write a short note on "ResearchGate".

Name five common routes of parenteral administration.

Why is oral administration preferred over other routes of administration?

Differentiate between emulsion and suspension.

How does side effect of a drug differ from hypersensitivity?

Define active transport and passive diffusion.

Write down about absorption of drug after oral administration.

What is monograph? Write down the requirements for paracetamol preparation according to British Pharmacopeia.

A drug can be formulated in multiple dosage forms- explain with a common example.

Differentiate between medicine and drug.

Define official drugs, non-official drugs and un-official drugs.

Write down the classification of drugs based on their source.


What is the history of the symbol of pharmacy? Why is pharmacy important?

What did ancient Egyptians use for medicine? What is the papyrus of Ebers and Smith?

What is the golden age of Arabic medicine and pharmacy? What were Ibn Sina's major contributions to medicine and pharmacy?

What is the definition and scope of pharmacy practice? What are the best pharmacy practices?

What is a specialty of pharmacy? Write down the several types of specialty pharmacy services around the world.

What is clinical pharmacy? What are the major goals of clinical pharmacist?

What is the meaning of hospital pharmacy? Why is hospital pharmacy important in Bangladesh?

What is the definition of a prescription? What are the steps of handling a prescription?

How many professional pharmacy organizations are there in Bangladesh? Briefly describe about DGDA and BPS.

Define drugs with example. Explain what do you understand by generic name and brand name.

Define the term "pharmacopoeia". Classify drugs from pharmacopoeial point of view.

What do you understand by the term "Biphasic liquid dosage form? Distinguish between syrup and suspension.

Define traditional medicine. Write the basic principle of homeopathic and unani system of medicine.


Who is called the father of pharmacy? When pharmacy was separated from medicine and who contributed to this great transition?

How did pharmacists become an integral part of healthcare system?

Describe the impacts of 'Pharmacy Ordinance 1976' on the development of pharmacy profession in Bangladesh.

What should be the unique characteristics for being a pharmacist?

What are the opportunities for pharmacists to develop an international career?

"DGDA"- What is it? Mention the key functions and responsibilities of DGDA in the pharmaceutical sector of Bangladesh.

Define the terms-

i) drugs ii) essential drugs iii) counterfeit medicines iv) OTC drugs

Mention and discuss the different sources of drugs with example.

Distinguish between:

i) drugs and medicine

ii) Pharmacopoeia and formulary

Define and classify drug compendia.

What do you understand by:

i) pharmacy information resources ii) pharmacy literature iii) impact factor iv) manuscript

Classify pharmacy information sources. Discuss the primary information sources and pharmaceutical database

Illustrate the prospects of pharmacy education of Bangladesh.


Define pharmacy and pharmacist. Write down the purposes of pharmacy.

Who is called the father of pharmacy? Who made revolution in pharmaceutical education? Describe it.

Describe the roles of a pharmacist.

Write down the job scopes and opportunities for pharmacists.

What should be the characteristics of a pharmacist? What are the rewards for becoming a pharmacist?

State the oaths of a pharmacist.

Describe at least two drug regulatory bodies.

What is "memory of water?" State and explain the two main principles developed Hahnemann in Homeopathic system of medicine.

According to Unani system of medicines how many types of treatment approaches are suggested by the Hakims?

Give the common definition of drugs. Explain its six major sources.

Define medicine and dosage form. Classify medicines based on dosage forms.

Define the following terms:

(i) Prodrug (ii) Crude drugs (iii) Essential drugs (iv) Counterfeit medicine.

Define and classify drug compendia.

What do you mean by the terms:

(i) Manuscript and (ii) Impact factor? Enlist the points that are needed to be mentioned during the preparation of a manuscript.


As a Pharmacist, what characteristics do you feel will stand out in your dealing to development of Pharmacy in Bangladesh?

"Medicine can be in different form"- justify it.

Being a Pharmacist means being a "lifelong learner". What does the term "lifelong Tearner" mean to you? How will you go about being a lifelong learner?

Why are the Pharmacists satisfied with their career? Why and what are the main sources of stress in Pharmacy?

What are the main objectives of Pharmacy Council of Bangladesh (PCB)?

"Bangladesh, a drug importing country, now turned to be a drug exporting country"- justify the statement.

Outline the seven principles of the code of ethics for Pharmacist.

Compare between ayurvedic and unani systems of medicine.

Define drugs. Distinguish between drugs and medicines.

What is Pharmacopoeia? Classify drugs from pharmacopoeial point of view.

How many things are included in medicines? Differentiate between brand name and generic name.

What is a manuscript? Explain in brief the points to be maintained carefully during preparation of a manuscript.

What is traditional medicine? What are the controversies regarding homeopathy? Write the sources of homeopathic medicines.


How does a pharmacist serve for individual, community and social needs?

"Pharmacists are the guardian of public health"- justify with suitable examples.

Clarify your idea about the future of pharmacy in Bangladesh.

What is DGDA? Mention the responsibility and major functions of DGDA in pharmaceutical sector of Bangladesh.

What is "Oath of pharmacist"?

Why does the profession of pharmacy demand adherence of ethical principles?

What is code of ethics? Discuss the code of ethics regarding the manufacturing of pharmaceutical products.

What are the challenges need to be addressed in pharma sector of Bangladesh for developing the successful export potential market?

Write the principle of homeopathic system of medicine.

Define the term "Ayurveda". Write the principle of ayurvadic system of medicine.

What are the different sources of drugs?

Give definition of followings:

(a) Pharmacopoeia (b) Formulary (c) British pharmaceutical codex (d) Monograph.

What do you understand by-

(a) Traditional medicine (b) Pharmacy literature?

What is Impact factor?

Classify pharmacy information resources with examples.


Define the term profession? Why pharmacy is not only an occupation but also a recognized profession?

Define the term "Pharmacist'. Why is a pharmacist called as an "expert on drugs"?

What is BPS and PGA? What are the roles of BPS and PGA in various aspects of the pharmacy profession?

"Bangladesh, a drug importing country, now turned to be a drug exporting country - justify statement.

Define the terms:

(a) Alternative medicines (b) Allopathic medicines with suitable example.

Write the basic principle of Ayurveda and Unani system of medicine. What is the basis of Homeopathy system of medicine? Discuss in brief.

Give the common purpose of drugs, along with it's chemical and pharmacological definition.

What is the act for drugs according to Food, drug and cosmetic act?

Define the following terms:

a) Medicines and Pharmaceuticals b) Counterfeit medicine c) INN

How many things are included in medicine? Differentiate between generic name and brand name of medicine.

What do you mean by pharmacopoeia? What are the distinguishing features between official and non-official reference books?

What information is included in a text-book and dispensatory? Write the difference between monograph and treatise.


Explain career opportunities of pharmacists in industrial pharmacy.

Mention legal considerations about prescription.

What are the types of pharmaceutical water?

Mention the reasons for healthcare rationing.

State the difference between O/W and W/O emulsion.

Differentiate between a prescription drug and OTC drug.

Define reference book. What are the benefits and use of reference book in study?

Write down the role of pharmacist in the education and training program.

Define drug information centre. How can you disseminate drug information?

Mention the different types of sources of information.

Why is pharmacy practice important in the community?

"Relation between the health care professional and patient plays a vital role to develop the health care sector"-Explain

What is the importance of professional ethics in the pharmacy profession?

What do you mean by the open access journal? Write down the advantages of openi access journal.

What is the difference between pharmacopoeia and formulary?

Name eight reliable websites for health information.

Write down the meaning of the following common latin prescription abbreviation:-

i) bid ii) po iii) ac iv) pc v) tid vi) od vii) os viii) q3h

State the eight stages of illness and behaviour.

What does ageing mean? Mention the biological factors about ageing.

Why is it important to know the ethnicity of a patient?

"Knowledge of the physicochemical properties of active drug substances is necessary for the development of their dosage form"- explain with examples.

Define prescription. Briefly describe the different parts of a prescription.

How does a pharmacist check and dispense medications listed in a prescriptions?

How can you avoid prescription error?

What is the difference between dose and dosage form?

What is the meaning of medical gases? What is an examples of medical gases?

Write down the advantages and disadvantages of tablets and capsules.

How many grams of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) should be used to make 500 ml IN sulfuric acid solution?"

Define suspending agents and emulsifying agents. Give the list of some suspending and emulsifying agents.

A normal saline solution contains 0.9% w/v NaCl. How many grams of sodium chloride should be used to make 500 ml of normal saline?


What do you mean by "Pharmacy" and "Pharmacist"?

"Pharmacy is an art and a science"- Justify the statement.

Describe the history of Pharmacy education in context of Bangladesh.

Define profession and professionalism.

Explain the basic characteristics of professionalism.

Describe the primary, secondary and tertiary sources of information, along with their advantages and limitations.

Differentiate between drugs and medicines.

Write about the sources of drugs with examples.

What are the different types of dosage forms? Mention their pros and cons.

Write down the organizational structure and functions of law and ethics committee.

Detail about the role of Pharmacists in the case of the following:

(i) For the welfare of both patients and public

(ii) To uphold the honor and dignity of the profession

(iii) In quality assurance and manufacturing.

Write down the role of some regulatory organizations controlling the education and practice of Pharmacy in Bangladesh.

Discuss the role of Pharmacists in maintaining public health and the interrelationship among allied health professionals.

Write in brief about Pharmacopoeia and Compendia.

Define the terms alternative and allopathic medicines with suitable example.

Write the basic principle of Ayurveda and Unani system of medicine.

According to unani system of medicine how many types of approaches are suggested by the Hakims?

Define the term "pharmacopoeia". Write the need, importance and drawbacks of pharmacopoeia.

From where will a pharmacist get all the previous and current information about a drug? Define and classify it.

According to the "American Pharmacists Association" what should be the oath of a pharmacist?

What do you understand by "code of ethics"? Outline the seven principles of the code of ethics for Pharmacists.

Enlist the basic subjects a student needs to study for the completion of Bachelor of Pharmacy in Bangladesh.


'Pharmacist's prime concern shall be for the welfare of both patients and public'- Explain the statement.

Discuss the ethical principles and moral rules for 'Informed Consent.

Define profession and professional. What are the characteristics of profession?

Differentiate between occupation and profession.

Explain the terms macro and micro ethical situations. How do moral rights differ from legal rights?

Define Pharmacy and Pharmacist.

Differentiate between drug and medicine.

Briefly discuss about Community, Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy.

How does quality control pharmacist ensure the effective control of quality?

What do you mean by drug information? Briefly discuss the drug information resources.

Discuss the Job duties of Pharmacist.

Mention the top ten traits of highly effective Pharmacists.

Discuss the present status of pharmacist in Bangladesh.

Briefly describe the history of pharmacy education in Bangladesh.

"Pharmacy is a profession, not an occupation" explain this statement.

Show a flow chart of pharmacy practice, shifted from drug distribution to Pharmaceutical care.

Mention the scope and activities of Pharmacy council.

State the responsibilities and major functions of DGDA

Illustrate the role of industrial pharmacist in Bangladesh.

Write the paragraphs on USP and Bangladesh National Formulary.

Discuss the primary and the secondary information resources of pharmaceutical sciences.

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