Pharmaceutical Analysis question database

Pharmaceutical Analysis-1 available questions:
[CoU-2022, CoU-2021, CoU-2020, KU-2021, KU-2019, KU-2016, IU-2020, IU-2019]

Pharmaceutical Analysis-2 available questions:
[CoU-2022, CoU-2021]

[If you have any semester final exam questions for this course, please send them to this WhatsApp number: 01325972889. I will upload them to the database.]

 [CoU-2022] Pharmaceutical Analysis-1

What do you mean by pharmaceutical analysis? Give its importance in pharmacy.

Discuss different techniques of pharmaceutical analysis.

Write on:
(i) Collection of data
(ii) Precision of representative sample

What is titration? Mention the types of various titrations.

What is indicator? Illustrate the mechanism of color change of an indicator.

Discuss the titration of weak acid with strong base.

Discuss on the determination of redox potential.

On what condition redox titration curve depends on dilution. Explain that oxidimetric titration can be proceed without an indicator.

Why sulfuric acid is used instead of hydrochloric acid in the determination of Fe2+ in permanganate solution?

Why coupled oxidation reduction reaction occurs during redox titration.

Why non aqueous acid base titration is important in pharmacy.

Mention the criteria for selection of non-aqueous acid base titration.

What are universal indicators and mixed indicators? How is universal indicator used to identify acids and bases?

Write on non-aqueous solvents.

Define aquametry. Differentiate between aquametry and water analysis.

How can you determine the end point of Karl-Fischer titration?

How could you prepare Karl-Fischer reagent and standardize it.

What is polarimeter? Discuss on various parts of it.

Write on:
(i) recemic mixture
(ii) specific rotation.

What is optical activity? Write down the factors that affect angle of rotation.

What is meant by normal phase and reverse phase chromatography? What are the advantages and disadvantages of TLC.

Write on the advantages and disadvantages of fluorescence spectroscopy. Mention the application of Flourometry.

Give the factors affecting redox titration. Why are redox titration useful.

Write on any three from the following questions:
a) Titration of strong acid with strong base. b) Equilibrium constant of redox reaction.
c) Optical Circular Dichroism
d) Complexometric titration.

[CoU-2021]  Pharmaceutical Analysis-1

What do you mean by chromatography? Write on various types of chromatography.

Narrate the procedure, advantages and disadvantages of ion exchange chromatography.

Give the application of thin layer chromatography.

Compare and contrast between isocratic and gradient pumps.

How guard column and solvent saturation column protects the main analytical column.

What is meant by normal phase and reverse phase chromatography? Why do we use reverse phase HPLC?

Write down the basic principle of HPLC. What is the difference between C8 and C18 in HPLC column?

Illustrate various theories of acid and bases.

What is end point? State the criteria of a substance to be an ideal indicator.

Narrate the titration of a weak acid using strong base with their titration curve.

Why all indicators are suitable for titration of strong acid and strong bases?

Define spectrum. Give the description of light source, detector and sample holder of UV-spectrophotometer.

Illustrate the Lambert law and show that absorbance of UV light varies depending on length of the sample holder.

Narrate the process of determination of potency of a drug by using a UV spectrophotometer.

Write on various sources of water.

Describe the standardization process of Karl-Fischer reagent by using standard water.

Illustrate various methods for determination of end point in Karl-Fischer titration.

A 290mg sample of sodium tartarate requires 10.8 ml KFR to get the end point. If 16.40 ml of the 3 reagent is required to titrate the water in a 250 mg sample, then calculate the percent of water in the sample.

What is non-aqueous acid base titration? Give its significance in pharmacy.

What are primary and secondary standards used in acid base titrations?

Mention the solvents that are suitable for non-aqueous titration.

Give the justification of excess use of methanol in Karl-Fischer reagent.

(i) polarimetry
(ii) optical activity
(iii) optical rotation
(iv) molecular rotation.

How important is accuracy and precision in conducting pharmaceutical analysis?

Write down the CD effect.

State the application of polarimeter.

Write down short notes on blue shift.

Write down short notes on trouble shooting of HPLC.

Write down short notes on deviation of absorption from Lambert and Beer equation.

Write down short notes on significance of quantitative analysis in pharmaceutical analysis.

[CoU-2020]  Pharmaceutical Analysis-1

What is titration? Mention the types of various titrations.

What is indicator? Illustrate the mechanism of color change of an indicator.

Discuss the principle of lodometric titrations. Give the difference between iodometry and lodimetry.

Why is non-aqucous acid base titration important in pharmacy?

Mention the criteria for selection of non-aqueous acid base titration.

Illustrate the process of non-aqueous titration of bases.

Write on non-aqueous solvents.

Write short note on:
Complexometric titration
Redox titration

Discuss on preparation of Karl-Fischer reagent and standardization of it.

How can you determine the end point of Karl-Fischer titration?

Write short note on Masking and Demasking Agents.

What is chromatography? Discuss its classification based on mechanism of separation.

 Write on the principle, procedure and application of column chromatography.

What is HPLC? Compare and contrast between normal phase and reverse phase chromatography.

Discuss on the analytical column of HPLC.

Write on:
(i) Tailing (ii) Fronting (iii) theoretical plate number (iv) Resolution.

What is polarimeter. Discuss on various parts of it.

Write on: (i) Racemic mixture (ii) Specific rotation.

What is optical activity? Write down the factors affecting the angle of rotation.

What is spectroscopy? Define: (1) Spectrum (ii) Absorption.

Show that A=abc

Narrate on the factors resulting in deviation from standard curve of absorption in UV spectrophotometer.

Define aquametry. Differentiate between aquametry and water analysis.

Write short note on:
a)Red shift
 b) PDA detector
c) Potency determination of a drug in UV spectrophotometer

[CoU-2022] Pharmaceutical Analysis-II

What is the principle of turbidimetric method in microbiology?

What is the importance of antibiotic sensitivity test in microbiology?

Compare and contrast between potentiometric and amperometric titration.

Mention the advantages of a two electrode amperometer over one electrode amperometer.

Describe any one type of detector used in infrared spectroscopy.

What is dilution procedure in the cup plate method technique?

Derive the equation: -ηλ = 2dsin0

Write a brief description of the instrumentation used in X-ray crystallography.

How trace metals can be analyzed by atomic absorption spectroscopy?

What are advantages, disadvantages and applications of atomic absorption spectroscopy?

Differ between functional group region and finger-print region in IR spectrometry.

What is the stationary phase in Gas Chromatography?

What type of gases are used in Gas Chromatography?

Write a short note on 'Flame Ionization Detector'.

What is the basic principle of GC?

How does dipole moment affect frequency on IR band? Explain with example.

What are the common applications of infrared spectroscopy?

Name the basic components of an infrared spectrometer. What are the advantages of FT- IR over IR?

What are the steps of X-ray crystallography?

What are the applications of X-ray crystallography?

How infra-red spectrometer can be utilized in the drug-excipient compatibility test?

Illustrate the fragmentation pattern of
i) Benzene
ii) Ethanol in mass spectrometry.

Describe the analyzing technique of quadruple detector of mass spectrometry.

Mention the applications of mass spectrometry in pharmaceutical sector.

Explain spin-spin coupling and spin-spin decoupling. Define coupling constant. What is long range coupling?

Explain nuclear over hauser effect. What is COSY and NOESY NMR?

[CoU-2021] Pharmaceutical Analysis- II

Define NMR. Write down the principle of NMR.

Write a short note on the chemical shift.

What are the types of NMR? Describe them.

Briefly explain the principle and instrumentation of IR spectrophotometer.

What are the main differences between high performance liquid chromatography and gas chromatography?

How temperature programming is needed in GC analysis?

What is Potentiometric Titration? What is the Principle of Potentiometric Titration?

Why is ppm utilized to measure the chemical shift value in NMR spectroscopy?

Describe the procedure of cup-plate method of microbiological assay of antibiotics?

What do you mean by repeatability and reproducibility in quality control analysis?

Why are inert gases used in atomic absorption spectrometry for analysis?

Describe some common types of reference and indicator electrodes of a potentiometer.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of turbidimetric method?

How are turbidimetric methods used to measure microbial growth?

The FTIR spectroscopy is very effective for qualitative identification to investigate the possible interactions of drugs and excipients' Explain this statement.

Why hydrogen bond alters the force constant in IR spectroscopy? Describe different types of IR detectors.

Compare and contrast between potentiometric and amperometric titration.

What are the desirable characteristics of a GC detector?

What is the significance of theoretical plates in GC?

Why is atomic absorption spectrometry only used for metals?

What is the application of monochromator in atomic absorption spectrometry?

What is X-ray crystallography? Why X-rays are used in it instead of light or electrons?

Narrate the principle behind X-ray crystallography.

Describe the steps of structure determination by X-ray crystallography.

What is the principle of spectroscopy? What information can be obtained from the following two spectroscopic methods about the structure of organic compounds.
1) UV spectroscopy
2) Mass spectroscopy

How does mass spectrometry measure the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) of one or more molecules present in a sample?

What is the main function of a mass analyzer in a mass spectrometry?

Khulna University
Session: 2019-2020

[KU-2021]  Pharmaceutical Analysis-1

Draw and describe the titration curve for weak base with weak acid.

Describe the mechanism with example how an indicator works.

What is a pH scale?

Differentiate between acid and base.

The drug ephedrine is a peudoalkaloid. Why and how can you titrate it using non-aqueous titration?

"Nonaqueous titration is very much useful in pharmaceutical quality control"- why?

Classify non-aqueous solvents with examples.

What are the disadvantages of nonaqueous titration?

Classify ligands with examples according to the number of sites of attachment to the metal ion.

Define and describe the importance of masking agent in complexometric titration.

Why EDTA is the most useful titrant in complexometric titration?

How can you titrate ephedrine using non-aqueous titration?

What do you mean by back titration? Explain with example.

How can you increase the acidity of an acid or the basicity of a base?

Why multidentate ligands are more commonly used than unidentate?

Write down the principle of UV spectroscopy for drug molecule identification.

Mention the importance of different spectroscopic methods used in pharmaceutical analysis.

"Energy required for transition depend on compounds bonding"- Justify the statement.

Define electro-magnetic radiation (EMR). Write down the general properties of EMP.

Briefly describe the beer-lambert law.

Calculate the energy associated with a radiation having wavelength 5000A° in kcal per mole.

"UV spectroscopy is based on the principle of electronic transition"-explain.

What is forbidden transition?

Draw and describe the instrumentation of UV spectrophotometer.

What is specific rotation of a molecule? Why specific rotation is very important for a bioactive molecule?
Write down the instrumentation of a polarimeter.

"The sensitivity and resolution of NMR spectrum depends on applied magnetic field"- explain.

What are the requirements of polarimetric measurement?

Khulna University, Khulna
2nd Year 2nd Term Examination, Session: 2017-18

[KU-2019]  Pharmaceutical Analysis-1

What is titration? Classify reactions involved in titrimetric analysis.

Define primary and secondary standard. What are the characteristics of a primary standard?

What are the conditions of titrimetric analysis?

Describe the titration curve for the neutralization of weak base by strong acid.

Write short notes on
i) mixed indicator and
ii) universal indicator

Define nonaqueous titration. Classify solvents used in nonaqueous titration.

Define complexometric titration.

Write a short note on EDTA.

What are the applications of complexometric titrations?

Classify ligands used in complexometric titrations.

What is redox titration? Describe the titration curve for the titration of iron (II) with standard cerium (IV), monitored potentiometrically with platinum and calomel electrodes.

What does redox indicator mean? How does it help in the end point determination?

Justify the use of Potassium dichromate in redox titrations.

What is the correlation of wavelength, frequency and electromagnetic radiation?

What is the importance of chromophore and auxochrome to determine max of a compound in UV-visible spectroscopy?

Some absorbance spectrophotometers use double monochromators - Explain the reasons.

How do you perform quantitative assay of ampicillin in pharmaceutical formulation using UV-Vis spectroscopy?

What is stray light for an UV-spectrophotometer?

What is the fundamental difference between UV, IR and NMR in molecular level?

The absorbance co-efficient of a glycogen-iodine complex is 0.20 at light of 450 nm. What is the concentration when the transmission is 40% in a cuvette of 2 cm?

A conjugated diene absorbs at a higher wavelength with higher values of extinction co-efficient as compared to a non-conjugated diene- explain with suitable example.

Write down the structural formulas which are consistent with the observation indicated:
i) A ketone, C8 H14 O shows a UV maximum at 248 nm;
ii) An aldehyde, C8 H12 0 shows a UV maximum at 244 nm

What is Fieser-kuhn rule? Write down the lamda max of this molecule (Pic)

Briefly discuss the impact of chirality on a drug molecule.

What are the requirements of polarimetric measurement of a chiral molecule?

What is the specific rotation? Write short note on
i) Enantiomers ii) Diastereoisomers

Khulna University
Third Year, Term-1 Examination, 2016
Session: 2015-16

[KU-2016]  Pharmaceutical Analysis-1

What is the difference between strong acid and weak acid?

Describe the dissociation of water with necessary ionic equations.

Explain why NH3 is a base.

Mention the difference that you will see in the titration curve of a triprotic acid that of a monoprotic acid while titrating by a monobasic base.

"Selection of the right indicator for a given acid-base titration is important for the accurate determination of the endpoint"- explain.

Justify your answer which type of titrimetric method will you adopt for the assay of:
(i) weak acid soluble in water
(ii) weak base not soluble in water
(iii) heavy metals

A 50.0 ml sample of 0.50 M NaOH is titrated with 0.50 M HCI. What is the pH of the solution
(a) before adding any acid and (b) after adding 20.0 ml of NaOH?

Describe the usability of following indicators:
(i) Cresol red (transition range pH 0.2-1.8) (ii) Thymol blue (transition range pH 8.0-9.6)

Describe the basic principle of complexometric titration.

Define the following terms: (i) titration (ii) chelate

Can we do complexometric titration for anions? Justify your answer with example.

Why it is so important to adjust pH of reaction mixture in a complexometric titration?

Define non-aqueous titration. Which samples are suitable for non-aqueous titration?

Solvents can dictate the strength of an acid or base-explain this phenomenon in the light of non-aqueous titration.

Benzoic acid is a weak acid. How can you titrate it using non-aqueous titration method?

What is a redox titration? How can you determine the oxidation number of metals or nonmetals?

How do UV, IR. Mass and NMR spectroscopy helps in molecular structure determination? Briefly explain.

"A conjugated diene absorbs at a higher wavelength with higher values of extinction coefficient as compared to a diene in which double bonds are isolated"- Explain with example giving the chemistry involved.

The absorption coefficient of a glycogen-iodine complex is 0.20 at light of 450 nm. What is the concentration when the transmission is 40% in a cuvette of 2 cm?

UV spectroscopy is based on the principle of electronic transition- explain.

Some absorbance spectrometers use double monochromators, explain typical reasons.

Why do you need instrument calibration for analytical instrument? Briefly explain in the case of UV spectroscopy instrument.

What would you expect the spectrum of procaine to change the solvent from HCI to NaOH? Explain your answer.

Which of the following molecules would you expect absorb at a longer wavelength in the UV region of the electromagnetic spectrum? Explain your answer. (Pic)

 [IU-2020] Pharmaceutical Analysis-1

Define sampling, population, accuracy and precession of sample analysis.

Mention analytical methods including quality control and assurance.

Why is sample preparation required in sample analysis?

What are some applications of statistics and data sciences in pharmaceutical analysis?

What are mean, variance and standard deviation for the following measurement of the same sample?

Define the following terms with respect to solution concentration:
i) Normality
ii) Molarity
iii) Formality
iv) Molality
v) Mole fraction

Discuss about different primary and secondary standard substances for titrimetric analysis.

How will you select an indicator in acids and bases titration?

Define acids and bases according to the Bronsted-Lowry theory? How do you determine the strength of Bronsted-Lowry a acid?

Arrange the Bronsted-Lowry acids according to their strength (ascending order):
H2O, H3O+, H2S, HI, CH3COOH, H3PO4 

Calculate the pH of aqueous solution of 0.01 M HCI and 0.005M H₂SO4.

What is the acid-base indicator? State with reasons, what indicators you will chose for the following titration?
1) Na2CO3 vs HCl
2) NaOH vs CH3COOH
3) NaOH vs H₂SO4

Define with example:
(1) oxidant
(2) reduetant

How will you prepare 0.1N, 0.5N and 5N 250ml solution of Na2S2O; and Na2C2O4?

How is oxidation number assigned?

Complete and balance the following equations by ion-electron method:
i) K2Cr2O7+ KI+H₂SO4 →→→
ii) KMnO4 + H2SO4 + HCI →→→

Define the term masking agent with suitable example.

Explain the principle of complexometric titration. What are the advantages of it over other ordinary titration?

Balance the following redox reactions by ion-electron method:
Fe2+ + MnO4- + H+ = Mn2+ + Fe3+ + H₂O

Oxidation-reduction reactions occur simultaneously- Justify with example.

What do you mean Karl Fischer Titration (KFT)? Mention the applications of KFT.

Difference between Karl Fischer Titration and Bunsen Titration methods.

Give a preparation method of Karl Fischer reagent.

Discuss with a neat diagram of working principle of Karl Fischer volumetric moisture meter.

Explain why methanol is used as solvent instead of C2H5OH in KF Titration?

What do you mean by the tube dilution? Mention the principles of tube dilution.

Differentiate between MBC and MIC.

Discuss the potency determination of an antibiotic.

What does an assayer do? Write the characteristics of a good assay method.

Write short notes on:
Zone of inhibition
Agar diffusion method
important of pharmaceutical analysis
Advantages and disadvantages of bioassay determination of vitamins
Disk diffusion method for bioassay of antibiotics and vitamins

  [IU-2019]  Pharmaceutical Analysis-1

Define the term sampling, population, accuracy and precession in pharmaceutical data analysis.

Differentiate between quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis in pharmaceutical quality control.

Sort out and explain the following compounds as primary and secondary standard substances for there titrimetric analysis:
a) H2SO4 b) Na2C2O4 c) Na2CO3 d) NaOH

Define titrand and titrant.

 What is an indicator? Write the application of indicators.

Write the equation of Karl Fischer titration reaction.

Why excess of Kl is used in iodometric titration?

Draw an apparatus of Coulometric-moisture meter.

What are the different concepts of acids and bases? Describe in brief.

Derive a theory for the color change pH range of an indicator in aqueous medium acid-bases titrations?

Write the structural formula with their ion formation of acid and base indicators (at least three of each).

Draw and compare the different acid-base titration curves (pH curves) for equivalence point determination.

What are basic principles and concepts of redox tritration?

Differentiate between indometric and iodimetric titration.

What the role of KMnO4, K2Cr2O7, Na2S2O3, KI, H2O2 and KBr in redox-titrations.

Flow do you prepare stoichiometrically of 0.1N, 250 ml of KMnO4 and K2Cr2O7 solution?

Balance the following redox equation:
Na2S2O3 + I2 -------
FeSO4 + K2Cr2O7 + HCl ------

Starch solution is never added in the beginning of the iodometric titration- explain.

What do you mean by sell indicator in redox titration?

Differentiate between temporary and permanent hardness of water.

Give some example of complexes, complex ion and chelating agents with their structural formula.

Discuss the procedure for the determination of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions in a given solution and estimate the total hardness of water.

Discuss general procedure to determine moisture in a sample. Determine the loss on drying weight of sodium chloride.

What is Karl Fischer reagent? Describe the method of Karl Fischer reagent preparation.

Draw a Karl Fischer diagram and describe its working principle.

Went than by bioassay? Mention the advantage and limitation of bioassay.

Dillerentiate between quantal assay and graded assay.

Discuss the method of bioassay of vitamin.

Write the dice diffusion and turbidimetric method's principle.

Write short notes on:
Hardness of water
Standard deviations
What are electrolytes?

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