Pharmacology-1 available questions:
[CoU-2019, CoU-2017, BSMRSTU-2018, PUST-2018, PUST-2017, IU-2020]
Pharmacology-2 available questions:
[CoU-2020, BSMRSTU-2019, BSMRSTU-2018,
BSMRSTU-2017, KU:2019-20, KU:2017-18, KU:2016-17]
[If you have any semester final exam questions for this course, please send them to this WhatsApp number: 01325972889. I will upload them to the database.]
[CoU-2019] Pharmacology-1
What are the possible routes of administration of a drug? Name the factors governing the choice of a route.
How a drug is absorbed in the body? What are the contributing factors of drug absorption process?
Define protein binding. What are the clinical significances of protein binding?
Briefly describe all the possible phase I and phase II reactions of drug metabolism process.
Define coagulation. Describe the common pathway of blood coagulation.
Write down the mechanism of actions of clopidogrel and coumarin.
What is GPCR? Draw and discuss the structure of a GPCR. How do GPCRs exhibit drug effect?
How signaling via ligand and voltage gated channels occurs?
What is Peptic ulcer disease (PUD)? What are the causes and treatment strategy of PUD?
What is the recent warning of Ranitidine use in Bangladesh?
Draw a comparative table highlighting the pharmacokinetic parameters of PPIs.
How gastric acid secretion is regulated?
Illustrate the life cycle of malarial parasite.
List down the therapeutic effects and adverse effects of BDZs.
Discuss about different mechanisms of drug action.
Mention the mechanism of action of heparin and warfarin.
Outline the measures for the treatment of barbiturate poisoning.
How does metronidazole work as anti-amoebic drug?
Explain enzyme induction with example.
Discuss about the role of prostaglandin analogue for peptic ulcer..
Write a short note on rebound acidity.
[CoU-2017] Pharmacology-1
Mention the factors influence choice of drug administration in different routes.
How drugs are -
Penetrating into brain and CSF?
Passage across placenta?
What is drug metabolism? Give the different synthetic reactions of drug metabolism.
Write the different processes of excretion of drugs and their metabolites.
Differentiate between adverse effects and side effects.
Inverse agonist
Partial agonist
Give the basic evidence for drug action through receptors.
Describe the mechanism of G-protein coupled receptors with neat sketch diagram.
Define dose. Give the advantages and disadvantages of fixed dose combination of drugs.
What is rational use of medicines?
Define peptic ulcer. Give the different approaches for the treatment of peptic ulcers.
Write the mechanism, pharmacokinetics and drug interaction of H2 antagonists.
Why antacid combinations are superior to any single antacid?
Define haematinics. Give the process of transport, utilization, storage and excretion of Iron.
What is erythropoietin? Write its use and adverse effects.
Give the mechanism of actions and pharmacokinetics of heparin.
Write down the mechanism of action of barbiturates.
Why doctors generally prefer benzodiazepines compared to barbiturates?
Give differences between sedatives and hypnotics.
Classify the antimalarial drugs. Give the treatment of severe and complicated falciparum malaria based on WHO guidelines.
Mention the uses of metronidazole in different infections.
Give the choice of drugs for helminthiasis. Write the uses of albendazole.
[CoU-2020] Pharmacology 2
Explain the chemistry of insulin.
How can insulin resistance be developed? Write down the symptoms and treatment of insulin resistance.
State the mechanism of action of insulin. Differentiate between diabetes and hyperglycemia.
Mention the symptoms and treatment of morphine poisoning.
Compare and contrast between morphine and indomethacin.
Write down the mechanism of action and drug interaction of Streptomycin.
What is saddle block? Differentiate between local and general anesthetics.
Describe the stages and planes of anesthesia.
Illustrate the necessity of preanesthetic medication. State the mechanism of action of general anesthetics. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of halothane.
Elucidate the method of bacterial growth inhibition of cotrimoxazole.
How can superinfection be developed? Write down the treatment process of superinfection.
Compare and contrast between penicillin and cephalosporin.
Briefly describe the action potential of cardiac muscles.
How does histamine work?
Write down the mechanism of action and adverse effects of ACE inhibitors.
Write down the biosynthesis of prostaglandins.
How does sulphonylurea reduce hyperglycemia? Point out its adverse effects and contraindication.
Mention the pharmacological effects of 5-HT.
How can you classify antihypertensive drugs?
State the possible causes, risk factors and treatment of atherosclerosis.
How captopril works?
Mention possible side effects of vasodilators.
Write down the mechanism and adverse effects of loop diuretics.
How can penicillin act as an antimicrobial agent.
Write down short notes on
Fanconi syndrome
Gray baby syndrome
[BSMRSTU-2019] Pharmacology 2
State the following terms:
Inverse agonist
Partial agonist
Therapeutic index
Define dose response curve? How could you calculate the dose of an oral formulation?
What is false transmitter? State the signal transduction pathway of nuclear receptor.
Describe the signaling mechanism of G protein coupled receptor.
State the mechanism of action, indication and adverse effects of Ceftriaxone.
What are the manifestations of Penicillin induced hypersensitivity? How can these be managed?
Explain the rationale for the combination of Amoxicillin with Clavulanic acid.
Write short note on "Superinfection".
Define Quinolones. State the mechanism of action and side effects of Ciprofloxacin.
Write down the mechanism of action and therapeutic uses of Aminoglycosides.
Explain why Tetracycline should not be given to child?
Write short note on "Fanconi's syndrome".
"Where there is no acetylcholine there is no nor-adrenaline"- justify the statement.
What is Physostigmine? How does acetylcholine esterase work?
State the role of voltage sensitive calcium channel in acetylcholine release? How does acetylcholine cause smooth muscle relaxation?
Write the pharmacological action and therapeutic uses of Epinephrine.
State the pharmacological actions of adrenoceptor agonists on vascular smooth muscles.
Shortly narrate the mechanism of action of Organophosphorus compounds.
Mention the pharmacological effects of Atropine. What are the therapeutic uses of Prazosin?
Evaluate the role of nicotinic antagonists as ganglionic blockers.
What is the role of tyrosine hydroxylase in adrenergic neuron synthesis?
Is Carbachol a muscarinic agonist? Mention the therapeutic uses of Carbachol.
Why does Spironolactone used in combination with Thiazide or Loop diuretics?
"Loop diuretics are called high ceiling diuretics", explain. Mention the adverse effects of Loop diuretics.
What is depression? Classify antidepressants with example.
Define SSRI. Illustrate the mechanism of action of SSRI.
Vindicate the mechanism of action and side effects of TCA.
Define neurosis? Write down the indications, toxicity and contraindication of Chlorpromazine.
[BSMRSTU-2018] Pharmacology-1
What is pharmacology? How does it differ from pharmacopoeia?
Define drug. What is the difference between drug and medicine?
With example, name the different routes of drug administration.
Define biological drug. What is it's characteristic?
Mention the therapeutic uses and adverse effects of barbiturates.
Write down the mechanism of action and pharmacology of Benzodiazepines.
Justify, benzodiazepine is better hypnotic than barbiturate.
Write a note on dose response relationship?
Define and classify receptor. Name four common receptors with their agonist and antagonists.
What are the different mechanisms of drug action? Discuss about the cellular mechanism of dr action.
Explain the physiological role and therapeutic uses of prostaglandins?
Classify and enumerate antihistamines?
Discuss the synthetic pathway of prostaglandins. Mention the physiological role of prostaglandins
Define and classify epilepsy.
Discuss the mode of action and adverse effect of Phenytoin.
What is the pharmacological rationale in using L-dopa and carbi-dopa in sane formulation?
Define haematinic. What are the different iron preparations?
Write down the manifestations and management of acute Iron poisoning.
How does Heparin act? What are the indications of Heparin-therapy?
Classify and enumerate in vitro and in vivo anticoagulants.
*What are the mechanismas that account for the transfer of drug(other solute).
With examples,name the different routes of drug administration.
Explain the factors governing route on administration with examples?
Write a note on factors governing passive diffusion of drugs?
Differentiate between narcotic and non-narcotic analgesics.
Classify opiates. Depict the M/A and therapeutic uses of morphine.
What is low dose aspirin? How low dose aspirin prevent thromboembolism?
Classify NSAIDs with example. Why selective COX-2 inhibitors are less likely to produce gastric ulceration.
[BSMRSTU-2018] Pharmacology 2
State the following terms:
Inverse agonist
Therapeutic window
Define dose response curve? Draw and explain the typical AUC layout of an oral formulation.
Classify receptor based on the mechanism. Illustrate the mechanism of kinase linked receptor.
Define second messenger. Describe the mechanism of G protein coupled receptor.
Define antibiotics. Classify antibiotics based on the mechanism of action with examples.
State the mechanism of action, indication and adverse effects of penicillin.
What are the manifestations of penicillin induced hypersensitivity? How can these be managed?
Write a short note on "Gray Baby Syndrome"
Define Macrolides. State the mechanism of action and side effects of Azithromycin.
Write down the mechanism of action of sulphonamides & co-trimoxazole.
Define broad spectrum antibiotics. Classify cephalosporin antibiotics with example.
Illustrate the mechanism of bacterial resistance to antibiotics.
"Where there is no acetylcholine there is no nor-adrenaline"- justify the statement.
What are the catecholamines? Why are they called so? Mention the important pharmacological actions of adrenaline and nor-adrenaline.
State the pharmacological effects of acetylcholine.
How does organophosphorus compound act as anti-cholinesterase?
Define and classify adrenoceptors with example.
Illustrate the site and mechanism of atropine action and how can it be resort? us
Define Ganglion blockers? How do they exert their action?
Write a short note on "Myasthenia gravis".
Define and classify diuretics with example.
Write down the mechanism of action, indication and side effects of high ceiling diuretics.
How do carbonic anhydrase inhibitors act as diuretics?
Why is spironolactone called K+ sparing diuretics?
Classify antimicrobials that can be used in fungal infection.
What are the advantages of fluconazole over ketokonazole?
What is superficial infection? Sate the therapeutic use and adverse effects of Griseofulvin.
How does Amphotericin B exhibit its anti-fungal action?
Why benzodiazepines are considered safer than barbiturates?
What is MAOI? Write down the pharmacological effects and adverse reactions of MAOI.
Distinguish between sedative and hypnotics.
Enunciate different obstacles faced during treating depression.
[BSMRSTU-2017] Pharmacology-2
"Carbachol is a para sympathomimetic agent"-explain.
Differentiate between sympathetic and para sympathetic nervous system. How is signal transmitted from brain to effector organ?
Write the pharmacological uses of epinephrine and norepinephrine.
What is anticholinesterase? What are the roles of nicotine on ganglionic system?
What do you mean by Raynaud's syndrome? How does Acetylcholine alter vasoldilatory effect?
Shortly narrate the mode of action of organophosphorus compounds. Write the clinical uses of Atropine sulfate and Edrophonium.
How does muscarinic receptor work? Mention the functions of B-blockers.
Define and classify agonist with example. Mention the importance of therapeutic index.
What is drug receptor complex? Illustrate the relationship between drug reactivity and drug receptor bonds.
What is dose response relationship? Distinguish between potency and efficacy.
What do you mean by grey baby syndrome? Write the structure activity relationship classification of sulpha drug.
Write the mode of action and precaution of tetracycline therapy.
What is anti-fungal drug? Mention the indications and adverse effects of griseofulvin and ketoconazole.
Write down the sources of aminoglycoside and macrolide antibiotics with their chemical structure.
Distinguish between penicillin and cephalosporin. Mention the therapeutic use of ciprofloxacin.
Describe the mechanism of bacterial resistance against penicillin.
What is antibiotic resistance? How does resistance develop?
What is super infection? Outline the principles of combined use of antimicrobials.
Define bacteriocin with example? How do glycopeptide antibiotics exert their action?
What do you understand by Psychosis? Differentiate between organic and functional psychosis.
What do you understand by schizophrenia? Briefly describe the clinical features of schizophrenia.
Classify Psychotropic drugs with suitable example.
Briefly describe why diuretic drugs are prescribed for the maintenance of hypertension?
What are the rationales of using diuretic combination?
Write down the mechanism of action of k-sparing diuretics.
[PUST-2018] Pharmacology-1
Define prodrug. "Prodrug is intended to improve the ADME of the drug"- explain the statement with examples.
Enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of oral and buccal route of drug administration.
Give a brief discussion on types, symptoms and treatment of drug toxicity.
Write down the symptoms and possible treatment options of drug dependence.
Differentiate drug abuse from drug dependence.
Enumerate the various factors affecting drug distribution.
What do you mean by analgesic-antipyretic drug? Give the classification of it.
Describe the pharmacological actions and side effects of Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
Point out the use and adverse effect of acetylsalicylic acid.
Write down the pharmacokinetics of morphine.
Illustrate the various depressant actions of morphine and its cogeners.
How can you differentiate between morphine and pethidine?
Write short note on-
(i) Ibuprofen
(ii) Etoricoxib.
Briefly describe various stages of sleep cycle.
Give a brief discussion on the pharmacological actions of barbiturates.
Write short note on the followings -
(i) Alprazolam
(ii) Amphetamines.
Write down the uses of H1, and H2 histamine blockers.
Write down the pharmacological and physiological role of histamine in the body.
What is antihistamine? Why H1 second generation antihistamine is preferred to a first generation?
Write down the synthesis of 5-HT.
How gastric acid secretions are regulated within the body?
Define Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI). How do PPI inhibit the secretion of HCI?
Point out possible drug interactions with antacids.
Why antacid combinations are superior to single antacid agent? Give examples.
Define anesthesia. Briefly discus the different stages of anesthesia.
Enumerate the mechanism of action, pharmacological effect and toxicities of local anesthetics.
How does enflurane work as general anesthetic agent?
[PUST-2017] Pharmacology-1
Define therapeutic window. What information you get from drugs therapeutic window?
Write shortly on sublingual and subcutaneous routes of drug administration with their respective advantages and disadvantages.
Define the following terms-
Loading dose
Selective agonist
What do you mean by drug synergism? Give at least two examples of drug synergism.
Drug tolerance is basically the body's ability to adapt to the presence of a drug- Explain.
Describe the treatment, sign and symptoms of drug dependence.
What do you mean by acute morphine poisoning? Give its sign and symptoms.
How paracetamol develops liver and kidney toxicity? Give its possible treatment options.
Enumerate the pharmacological actions of aspirin on
Acid-base and electrolyte balance
Gastrointestinal tract.
Describe the therapeutic effects and adverse effects of barbiturates.
Illustrate in brief the pharmacokinetics and pharmacological actions of caffeine.
Write short note on-
What are anti-histamines? Classify the anti-histamines.
Differentiate between H1 and H2 receptor blockers.
Define prostaglandin. How prostaglandin bio-synthesized in human body?
Write down the synthesis, storage and destruction of serotonin.
Briefly describe the functions and pharmacology of kallikreins and kinins.
Mention the therapeutic uses of prostaglandins.
Point out the functions of PGE2 and PGI2.
What are local anesthetics? Classify it with suitable examples.
Narrate the mechanisms of action of local anesthetics.
Describe the pharmacological action, clinical uses and fate of lidocaine.
Mention various approaches for the treatment of peptic ulcer.
What is anticholinergics? Write down the functions of pirenzepine.
What are the special considerations of aluminum carbonate?
Why are Al(OH)3 and Mg(OH)2 combination used in market preparation of gastric antacid?
[IU-2020] Pharmacology-1
Define bioavailability with example.
Illustrate the facilitated diffusion with characteristics.
Briefly describe the effects of drug.
What is drug interaction? Why so many routes of administration is needed?
What do you mean by withdrawal reactions?
Briefly discuss the mechanism of action of pain and nociception.
"More potent antagonists can be made by incorporating the same structural changes used to make morphine a more potent analgesic" -Explain.
State the reason of combination of atropine with diphenoxylate? Write the mechanism of action of loperamide.
What are the major components of drug distribution?
Define and classify drug interaction.
Illustrate the sublingual route with advantages and disadvantages.
Explain-Why acidic drug should preferably be absorbed from stomach and basic drug from intestine?
Illustrate the use of prostaglandin and bradykinin.
Differentiate between functions of histamine and antihistamine.
Write down the mechanism of action and indication of histamine.
Define serotonin. Write down the biological functions of serotonin.
What is drug protein binding?
Differentiate between agonist and antagonist.
Write down the factors related to GIT affecting drug absorption.
Classify the methods of drug administration with example.
"A dynamic balance between prostacyclin and thromboxane A2 production in platelets may maintain cardiovascular homeostasis" -explain?
State the role of N-acetyl cysteine in paracetamol overdose.
Differentiate between sedative and hypnotic drugs.
Classify benzodiazepines with examples. Discuss the mechanism of action of benzodiazepines and barbiturates.
How is HCI secreted in the stomach?
Describe different cells of stomach and the mechanism of action of H2-receptor antagonist.
Why dose ranitidine is better than cimetidine?
Mention the indications and side effects of proton pump inhibitors.
Give an overview of opioid receptors.
Discuss an opioid drug that is 7X more potent than morphine and better than synthetics.
How can you produce levorphanol? State the reason of combination of acetaminophen with oxycodone.
Mention the hypothesis of COX-1 and COX-2.
[KU:2019-20] Pharmacology 2
What do you mean by cardiac glycosides? Write down the mechanism of action of cardiac glycosides.
What do you mean by digitalization? Write down the therapeutic and toxic effects of cardiac glycosides
What do you mean by angina pectoris? Shortly describe about different types of angina pectoris.
Classify antianginal drugs with examples. Describe the mechanism of action of organic nitrates as an antianginal drug.
Define hypertension. Write down the etiology of hypertension.
Shortly describe the mechanism of action of Reserpine and ACE inhibitors.
Classify diuretics with suitable examples.
Describe the mechanism of action of K sparing diuretics. Give example.
What is cardiac arrhythmia? Classify antiarrhythmic drugs.
Write a short note on Combination therapy in hypertensive treatment"
Classify COX inhibitors according to their functions.
The isoenzymes of the cyclooxygenase pathway vary greatly explain the statement.
Enumerate the major pharmacological effects of the non-selective COX inhibitors.
Why patients with H. pylori infection are at a greater risk of developing mucosal injury while taking the NSAIDs?
Differentiate between the two pathways for the release of arachidonic acid from membrane phospholipids.
What is tocolytic agent? Why and how NSAIDs are harmful for pregnant mother?
Give an account on the hematological effects of aspirin.
Illustrate the biosynthetic pathway of different prostaglandins from arachidonic acid and outline their functions.
What is salicylism? What are the characteristics and treatment strategies of salicylism?
Differentiate between acute and chronic gout. How can you treat them?
Illustrate the synthetic pathway of uric acid in human health and indicate the sites of action of different anti-gout drugs.
What are opioid analgesics? Explain the SAR of morphine. [KU:2019-20]
What are the roles of endogenous opioids in our body? Why COX-2 blockers are not so much prescribed?
[KU:2017-18] Pharmacology-2
What are the treatment guidelines of myocardial infarction?
How do nitrates produce their antianginal effects?
Classify antihypertensive drugs on the basis of their mode of action with suitable examples.
Why calcium ions in cardiac muscles are frequently targeted to control hypertension?
How do calcium channel blockers reduce high blood pressure?
Write down indications, dosage schedule, contraindications and two market preparations (with manufacturer's name) of amlodipine.
Write down the chemical and therapeutic classification of cardiac glycosides. What are the factors that precipitate cardiac arrhythmia?
How does digitalis exert their cardioactive activity against CHF? Digitalis dosino requires special consideration - why?
Briefly describe the therapeutic uses and drug interactions of digitoxin.
Briefly describe various types of angina pectoris.
How do nitrates reestablish oxygen demand and supply ratio?
Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) regulates blood pressure - how? Write down the indications, contraindications and two market preparations of atenolol.
Define gout. What are the means of treating this disorder? How deposited crystals could be removed from the joints?
Although paracetamol is a member of NSAIDS but it is not used in treating inflammation. Discuss the underlying mechanism.
What is salicylism? How could it be overcome?
In which case selective COX-2 inhibitors are contraindicated - explain.
Describe structure activity relationship of morphine with examples.
Analyze the mechanism of action of aspirin.
What are opioids drugs? Draw a comparison among morphine, pethidine and naloxone.
Briefly discuss the major pharmacological effects of morphine.
Write short note on dextromethorphan and loperamide.
Elucidate the possible consequence of paracetamol overdose. How could it be mitigated?
Which type of mediators are released during inflammatory response and how?
Discuss the mechanism of action of colchicine in preventing gout.
[KU:2016-17] Pharmacology-2
Define and classify hypertension. Describe the etiology of hypertension?
How is the normal blood pressure regulated?
What is diuretics? How does the thiazide diuretic help to decrease blood pressure.
How does the angiotensin-Il increase total peripheral resistance?
Define and classify calcium channel blocker (CCB). Describe therapeutic uses of CCB.
A newly diagnosed 50-year-old male hypertensive patient also has diabetes and chronic hepatitis C infection with moderate liver impairment. He requires two drugs for initial treatment of his hypertension. Which drug would you suggest in combination with a thiazide diuretic and why?
How does heart failure (HF) occur? Describe the compensatory physiological responses in HF.
Write down the mechanism of action of digoxin in HF.
Why are phosphodiesterase inhibitors used in combination with ẞ-adrenergic agonist in HF?
What do you mean by arrhythmia? What are the causes of arrhythmia?
Classify antiarrhythmic drugs with examples.
Illustrate the mechanism of actions of quinidine in arrhythmia.
Show the pathway of producing inflammation in our body. What are the sites of action where anti-inflammatory drugs can act?
Write down the roles played by different mediators produced in cyclooxygenase pathway.
How is homeostasis maintained in our body?
What type of action are exerted by NSAIDs and how?
For which type of patients, selective COX-2 inhibitors are contraindicated? Mention the underlying reason.
Write down the pharmacological effects of aspirin on GIT, CVS and RS.
How is aspirin metabolized in our body?
What is salicylism?
Write a short note on opioid analgesics. Classify them on the basis of chemical structure.
Differentiate among tolerance, dependence and addiction.
State the effect of morphine on GIT.