Clinical Pathology question database

Clinical Pathology available questions: [CoU-2022, CoU-2020, CoU-2021, BSMRSTU-2016]


Write down pathogenesis of cellular damage.

What is pathologic calcification? Why does inflammation cause calcification?

What are the mechanisms leading to abnormal intracellular accumulation?

How do free radicals are inactivated in our body?

What is necrosis? Illustrate the changes of nucleus observed in necrosis.

Briefly describe the mechanism of death receptor mediated apoptosis.

What is the most common complication of tissue transplant?

What treatments are available to prevent tissue rejection?

What is primary and secondary immune response?

Define acute inflammation. What are the classic signs of acute inflammation?

What kind of reactions occurs in blood vessels during inflammation?

Describe the extravasation process of leukocytes in inflammation.

How does microbes are recognized by inflammatory cells?

What are cytokines and chemokines? Classify chemokines according to their cysteine residue.

Briefly describe the outcomes of acute inflammation.

Which factors evoke chronic inflammation? Note down the morphologic features of chronic inflammation.

Write down the possible methods of microbial identification in tissue and body fluids.

What are the agents of bioterrorism? Give two examples of each category of bioterrorism agents,

Define nosocomial infections. How does it help in spreading and dissemination of microbes?

How does host cell kill viruses?

What are the cellular and molecular components of innate immune system?

Illustrate the sequence of events in immediate hypersensitivity reaction.

What is self-tolerance? Note down the mechanisms of self-tolerance.

Mention the causes and consequences of acute allograft rejection.

Write down the characteristics of malignant tumors.

How does a chemical carcinogen cause cancer?

Describe the dissemination routes of cancer cells.


Define atrophy. Mention the common causes of pathologic atrophy and illustrate its mechanism.

Why is pathology test done?

Discuss in brief about the free radicals induced cell injury How free radicals can be inactivated

Illustrate the components of acute & chronic inflammatory response and their principle function.

Narrate the reactions and functions of blood vessels in acute inflammation

Explain how microbes and dead tissues can be recognized in body.

What is MHC Classify MHC and mention the function of each classes.

Briefly describe hypersensitivity reaction including types, morphology, mechanism and associated disorders.

Define cytokines with example. What is the role of cytokines in immunity?

What is the difference between innate and adaptive response?

Self vs Non-self: How does the body know?

Which type of immune response is responsible for the rejection of tissue organs in the patient's body post-translation?

How could you diagnose infectious agents in body fluids and tissues?

What do you mean by bioterrorism? Classify bioweapons based on their criteria.

What are the signs of transplant rejection?

Which type of tumor is called "Innocent"? Why it is called "Innocent"?

Why p53 is call guardian of the Genome? Explain it.

Discuss the features of grading and staging of tumor.

Discuss about the karyotype changes in cancer?

What do you mean by fibrosis? Discuss the mechanism of fibrosis.

Compare and contrast between regeneration and repair. Discuss the pathologic aspects of repair.

What do you mean by emerging infectious disease (EID)? Is Covid-19 an emerging infectious disease?

Why is grading and staging of cancer is important?

What are the main types of pathology? Discuss about the scope of clinical pathology.

Define neoplasia. Illustrate the Molecular Basis of Cancer.


What are the principle features of pathology? Write down the significance pathophysiology.

What do you mean by cell injury? What kinds of alterations are observed in reversible injury?

"Hyperplasia is distinct from cancer"-justify the statement.

What is the role of phagocytosis? What are the 3 steps of phagocytosis?

What is necrosis? Illustrate the nuclear changes found during necrosis.

Compare and contrast between apoptosis, necroptosis and pyroptosis.

State the intrinsic mechanism of apoptosis.

What are the cellular components of innate immune system? How does DCs evoke innate immunity?

Illustrate the mechanism of immune response by T-lymphocytes.

What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?

What is the role of memory lymphocytes in immune system?

Briefly describe the mechanism of immune complex mediated hypersensitivity systemic diseases.

Which factors are important for immediate hypersensitivity reaction?

What is cell cycle? Why checkpoints are important in a cell cycle?

Write down the mechanism of fibrosis.

How does a benign tumor differ from the malignant one?

Depict the routes of metastasis for cancer cells.

How can transplant rejection be prevented?

What is amyloidosis? What happens if amyloidosis is left untreated?

How could you diagnose infectious agents in body fluids and tissues?

What do you mean by bioterrorism? Classify bioweapons based on their criteria.

Briefly describe the mechanism of viral injury.

Define chemokine? Which chemokines are responsible for chemotaxis?

How do inflammatory cells recognize pathogenic stimuli?

In which mechanisms vascular permeability is increased during acute inflammation?

What is pathologic calcification? What are the causes of metastatic calcification?

Briefly describe the sequential events of scar formation.

What do you mean by graft rejection? How does hyperacute rejection take place?


What do you mean by environmental disease? How does climate change affect human health?

What is lead toxicity? How does it occur? Describe the major health effects of lead poisoning?

Describe different health problems associated with oral contraceptives.

What do you mean by NAPQI- induced liver damage? How does it occur? How can you treat acetaminophen overdose caused liver failure?

Tobacco smoking can cause many types of cancer as well as death - explain.

What the health effects of chronic alcoholism?

What are the changes that occur in the blood vessels during acute inflammation?

Illustrate the roles that macrophages play in chronic inflammation.

What are the outcomes of acute inflammation?

What is cardiac hypertrophy? How does it lead the heart towards failure?

What do you mean by MI? What are the sequence of events occur in the progression of MI?

Define heart failure. How does it occur?

Describe the causes of edema.

Define thrombosis. Describe the sequence of events in hemostasis.

What is infarction? Discuss the factors that affect the development of an infarct.

What harm the ATP depletion does to the cellular system?

What are the consequences of membrane damage.

Describe the causes of cellular injury.

'Skin can act as an effective bearer to microbe as well as a route of entry in the body' - explain the statement..

How does host immunity sometimes create injury to host?

Write down the pathogenesis of Neisserial infection.

Define the terms-
Anorexia nervosa.

Briefly describe the functions and deficiency state of vitamin D.

Narrate the harmful effects of obesity in human body.

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