Pharmacognosy Question Database for BSMRSTU


Pharmacognosy-1 available questions for Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University: [ BSMRSTU-2021]

Pharmacognosy-2 available questions for Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University: [BSMRSTU-2021, BSMRSTU-2018]

[If you have any semester final exam questions for this course, please send them to this WhatsApp number: 01325972889. I will upload them to the database.]

[BSMRSTU-2021] Pharmacognosy-1

Define the terms: i) Formulary ii) INN iii) International Pharmacopoeia iv) Monograph

What are the steps involved in the preparation of crude drugs for the commercial market?

What do you mean by drying? Why is artificial drying preferred over natural drying?

What is drug adulteration? State the factors responsible for drug adulteration.

Write a short note on deliberate adulteration.

How can you determine the moisture content of a drug?

Differentiate between drug and medicine?

Discuss the classification of crude drugs with suitable examples.

Describe various methods used for evaluation of crude drugs.

What do you understand by volatile oil? Write down the properties of volatile oil.

Briefly describe the source, chemical constituents, and uses of i) Bees Wax and ii) Chaulmoogra Oil.

What are the uses of olive oil?

What do you understand by vitamins? Classify vitamins with suitable example.

Briefly describe the significance of vitamin D and vitamin C.

Write down the source, constituents and uses of Hilsha fish oil.

What do you understand by carbohydrate?

Briefly describe the biosynthetic pathway of sucrose in plant.

Write a short note on amylose and amylopectin.

Differentiate between reducing and non-reducing sugar.

Write a short note on Liquid Glucose.

Write down the source chemical constituents and uses of i) Accacia and ii) Agar

[BSMRSTU-2021] Pharmacognosy-2

What are cardio active glycosides? Why are they named so?

Illustrate the chemical composition of glycosides. Classify glycosides based on the linkage of sugar to the aglycone part.

Enlist the chemical constituents of aloe and capsicum.

Note down the properties of alkaloid.

How could you detect the presence of alkaloid from a crude extract?

Illustrate the terms heterocyclic and non-heterocyclic alkaloids.

How volatile oil can be extracted using water and steam distillation method?

Enlist the chemical constituents and pharmaceutical uses of cinnamon bark.

Narrate the pharmaceutical importance of volatile oil.

Define poisonous plants? What are the roles of pesticide in economy?

Write down the botanical source, poisonous constituents and uses of (any two):

i) Datura

ii) Water Hemloc

iii) Neem

What is natural pesticide? Why pest control is necessary in our daily life?

Define and classify resin with examples.

State the general properties of resin along with its pharmaceutical importance.

Write down the source, chemical constituents and uses of tolu balsam and jalap

Describe the importance of tannin in pharmaceutical application.

Enlist the tests used to identify tannin. Explain any one.

"Nutgall is a rich source of chemical constituents"-clarify the statement.

Discuss the properties of glycoside.

Write a brief note on "Belladonna".

Justify the medicinal uses of Nux vomica.

[BSMRSTU-2018] Pharmacognosy-2

Define glycosides. Why it is important in our life?

Illustrate the chemical composition of geosides. Classify glycosides based on the linkage of sagar to the aglycone part.

Mention the chemical constituents and uses of Rhubarb.

Describe the properties of glycosides.

Write down the chemical constituents and medicinal uses of Aloe and Seena.

Mention the active ingredients and uses of oxglove.

What is alkaloid? How can you extract plant alkaloids?

What are Heger's and Dragendorff's reagens?

Give the identification tests for alkaloids.

Show the biosynthetic pathway of alkaloids in plants.

Give the source, active constituents and use of (i) opium and (ii) colchicom?

Describe the extraction methods of volatile oils from fresh plant parts

Distinguish among volatile oil, fixed oil and fat.

Mention the source, chemical constituent and use of

1. Australian fever tree oil

2. Rectified oil of turpentine

Mention the active ingredients and uses of Nutgalis.

Write down the cultivation and collection procedure of Clove.

Define Tannin. Why is it important in pharmaceutical sector?

What is the difference between poisonous Plants and Drugs?

Defice poisonous plant. Why it is important to identify poisonous plants?

Mention the factors that govern the toxicity of a plant.

Classify resins on the basis of their chemical nature.

Write a short note on ginger

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